Chapter Nine

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I look all around still not seeing him. We were on our way to the Black Lake for the second task. I was waiting by the boats, looking for Draco. Fred and George were walking around trying to make a profit off of this competition. I stand on my tiptoes looking over the tops of people, no blonde hair in sight. I glance to see a floppy haired Harry, walk up looking all over the place for something too. I walk over and tap his shoulder. He glanced at me, "Hey." He says distracted. "Where's Ron and Hermione?" I ask him. He sighs exasperated. "I have no idea." He says looking around still. "What do you mean?" I ask him slightly confused.

"I haven't seen them since yesterday at the library. They went to se McGonagall and never returned." He says, worry lacing his voice. I look over again to see Snape, McGonagall, and a few other teachers loading onto a boat, heading over to where the competition is taking place over the lake. "That's weird." I say. Harry looks down at me with a questioning face. "What?" I pause before telling him, worried he will react once I mention Draco. "Yesterday, Snape came and took Draco, needing him for something. But I never saw him after that. And he's still not here, which is unusual for him." Harry looks like he wanted to say something about the Draco part, but ignores it for now. "And you told me that McGonagall needing them for something yesterday, and have disappeared just like Draco." I say piecing the puzzle together. Harry seems to follow what I'm saying. "But why would they take both Ron and Hermione?" He asks. I like Draco. Ron is Harry's friend. But so is Hermione. But this doesn't make any sense? Why take both when they only need one thing per person. A minute goes by and both of our eyes widen in shock. "Viktor." I say confirming our theory.

Harry and I hurry into a boat to get to the stands in the middle of the lake. Once we get there we go to the front with the other champions. We all strip off our warm clothes to reveal our champion house colored shirts and shorts. "Something was taken from each champion last night." Dumbledore continued. Harry and I look to each other, our suspicions confirmed. I look to Harry to see him take his gillyweed. He starts having a reaction or something right as the canon goes off, and we all jump in. I activate my bubble charm so I can breathe and jump into the freezing water. I look to see Viktor, or what I thought was Viktor. I seen his body with a shark head in place of his human face.

I look over to see Cedric and Fleur had the same idea as me activating their bubble charms. Cedric gives me a thumbs up before taking off, Fleur going in the opposite direction. I take off towards the same direction as Cedric, confused on what to look for. I swim down low to the bottom of the lake, thinking that would be my best option. The ground is covered in tall weeds flowing with the lakes currents. It's dark and gloomy at the bottom of the lake. As I'm swimming, I see something move in the weeds next to me. I turn around and smack into something. Swimming backwards, I see a giant squid. Fuck.

I try to swim away, but it wraps one of its large arms around me, squeezing me tight. I squirm and manage to get my hand free. I lay my hand on the squid, hoping I can handle this the way I did the dragon. The squid stops squeezing. I feel it loosen slightly, looking at me. It slowly lifts a tentacle, pressing the end to my forehead. When it does this, flashes go through my head. I see Hogwarts being built, a group of four people, I see the Gryffindor symbol and colors being drawn out. I see the sword of Godric Gryffindor in the hands of a large man, with long wavy red hair, and a long beard to match. It almost looked like a lions mane.

When I open my eyes, my mouth falls open in shock. "Godric Gryffindor?" I whisper. When I say the name, it releases me. I watch it as it swims far away, until it's out of sight. I blink a few times before remembering I'm on a time crunch. I swim away, pushing it to the furthest part of my mind. I swim through a bunch of weeds, to see Cedric surrounded by chains. I look up to see those chains are connected to people. I swim up as he releases Cho, he motions for me to get Draco, and then he swims up. Being one of the first people to get done. I swim over to Draco, grabbing his face too look at him. His blonde hair is waving with the flow of the water, his face is more pale then usual, and he's still in his robes from
yesterday. I swim backwards a distance to get a look at the others. I see Ron and Hermione on the right of Draco, still chained down. I look to the left, and see Fleurs little sister still there too. I look  around for Harry, Viktor, and Fleur, but they are no where in sight. I see merpeople below me, watching my every move. I can't do anything without them retaliating if I try to take more than one. I hear sloshing movements behind me and see Harry coming up towards our direction.

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