Chapter 11

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I wake up more tired now than I was when I went to bed. I tossed and turned all night long. I never heard from Draco afterwards. I don't know if he ever found his father. If he did, what happened with his father. I've been racking my brain all night thinking of all the possible scenarios. I get dressed for the day and head down to the great hall for an early breakfast. I sit away from the few people who were down here this early, and quickly eat my breakfast.

As I'm eating, the thoughts get to be too much, and I need to go see Draco. I get up quickly, causing people to look at me. I run out the doors and start weaving my way through people and halls to get to the dungeons. I make it to the entrance of Slytherins common room and I lean against the wall, waiting for Draco, the same position I always found him in waiting outside of my houses common room many times.

Every time someone walks out, they give me a glare or funny look. I ignore every one of them. Crabbe and Goyle walk out and I step in front of them. "Hey. Is Draco in there?" I ask them. When they look up and see it's me, their faces let go of the glares they already had. "Oh, yeah. He was about to come looking for you. Just go in. We were the last ones." Goyle says. I give them a genuine smile, one of the only times they've been genuinely nice to me. They walk away, and I roll my eyes as I whisper, "Pureblood" to the door. The wall moved and makes an entrance into the room. I walk down the steps into the dungeon like room. I see Draco standing in front of the fire place. "Draco." I breathe out and run over to him. I wrap my arms around him in a hug, but he doesn't hug me back.

"What's wrong?" I pull away. He has a somber face expression. No emotion showing at al. "Did he hurt you?" I ask, looking over his face and visible skin. He snatches my hands in his and pushes them away. I give him a bewildered look. "What's wrong?" I whisper to him on edge now. He looks at me like I'm a stranger. "We can't see each other anymore." He tells me, his voice sounding cold, just like his fathers. "What did your father do to you?" I ask confused on why he was saying these things.

"My father didn't do anything, besides making me realize I can do better than you." He says. "Plus, you deserve better, remember?" He says reminding me of Cedric's words. I step back away from him. "You don't mean that." I whisper. His face stays stone cold, not emotion.

"Why are you saying these things? You sound just like your father." I tell him, hurt evident in my voice. He scoffs at me. "Don't embarrass yourself." He walks away from me heading towards the door. "Stop!" I yell at him. He stops in his tracks, and turns to look at me. He walks straight towards me not stopping until I could feel his breath on my face he was so close.

"I don't fucking want you. Filthy mudblood." He says one last time before leaving me alone. I hear the door slam shut, and as soon as it does, I fall down on my knees, and let out all the tears I had been holding. I cry until no more tears come out. I finally regain my composure, and leave. I decide to skip all my classes for the day, and stay in bed. I get inside my room, took off my robes, and climbed right into bed. It was the first time in a long time, that I cried myself to sleep.


Draco's POV

The day before

When Cedric speaks, I took that as my chance to sneak off. I hide behind a pillar waiting for her to leave. I see the hurt on her face as she noticed I'm gone. I wait and watch her as she slowly walks back into the castle. I let out a deep breath, and went to find my father. I walk around the castle until I find him coming out of Dumbledore's office. He sees me walking towards him and puts on a fake smile. "Ah, Draco." He says proudly. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yell. His eyes darken in anger.

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