Chapter Four

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I sat across from a bunch of people from my house. Abby runs up and squeezed in between me and some guy. He grumbles something at her scooting over to make room for her. I smile at her as she says, "Did I miss anything?" I shake my head. "Just in time." I say back. Dumbledore begins speaking but I'm not even paying attention as I notice Draco staring at me.

His lips twitched into a smile. I wave at him and he looks back to the front. "Eternal glory! That's what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament, but to do this, that student must survivor three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks." Dumbledore says. The entire room is dead silent, taking in everything he is saying. "Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone." He says ominously. I get goosebumps at the tone of his words. I look back over at Draco who is smirking at Dumbledore, then catches me staring and winks. I roll my eyes, making sure he seen, and then back to Dumbledore in time to see the Goblet of fire light up the beautiful red color, letting you know something was happening.

A small piece of paper flies out and slowly caught in the professors hand. "Victor Krum!" He yells. Everyone cheers as a smirking Victor stands and walks to the front and into the back wherever they are taking the champions. The place goes silent again as the fire turns red again. Another paper flies out in a cute design. He yells out the name of one of the girls from the other schools that showed up. I could see Ron drooling from all the way over here as she walked up. "Cedric Diggory!" The last name he yells out. I look over to Cedric to see him shocked for a second, before his cheering friends get him up and give him the confidence to walk up there. As he passes by me, he catches my eye, and smiles at me. I blush and look away. I look up to notice Draco glaring at Cedric now. His gaze falls back to me and I smirk and mouth, "Jealous?" Even from hear, I could almost hear him scoff at the idea. Pansy Parkinson hears and looks over at me and sneers. She then starts flirtatiously fawning over Draco. He smirks back seeing me roll my eyes. "Harry Potter." I hear Dumbledore say. I turn back in confusion to see the piece of paper in his hands. Everyone gets quiet again.

"HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore screams. I turn my head to Harry and see Hermione nudging him forward. Harry slowly starts walking, following behind the other champions. I state at him confused. How did he manage that? Even the twins couldn't get past the barrier spell. Harry looks terrified passing all the professors. I almost feel bad for him.

Dumbledore, flustered and angry, about to storm off, stops dead in his tracks, and everyone gasps once again, as the goblet of fire lights up for an unexpected fifth time. As the paper flies out, and starts slowly making its way down, Dumbledore, still angry, runs up and snatches it.

He looks up again. More confused than angry like when he seen Harry's name. He looks around the room, until his eyes land on me.

"Cassandra Acker." My eyes go wide with shock. The room once goes dead quiet. Everyone at my table slowly looks at me. My mouth drops open, wanting to speak but can't. I look at Abby next to me and she has the same expression I do. McGonagall motions me to come forward before Dumbledore has another conniption.

I stand up in front of the entire school. My legs shaking from fear of what's next. I take one more look over at Draco, who has a mix of emotions on his face. I focus and reach out to him to see what he's feeling. Anger. Fear. Betrayal. He looks me in the eyes, like he's trying to ask me something, but eventually turns away.

I feel my stomach in knots as I walk past Dumbledore. I look up to Snape to see his usual angry face into a look of concern. McGonagall lightly touches my back in comfort. I make it to the room where everyone else was. I walk into to see the other four shocked to see another person walk in that wasn't a teacher.

First thing I see is Harry run to me and pulls me into a hug. "What the hell is going on? First me, now you?" I shrug my shoulders still unable to speak. I still haven't even processed what's going on.
Before I could finally find the words to speak, all the professors run in, Dumbledore at the front. First thing he does is grab Harry and pushes him against something, yelling "HARRY DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME INTO THE GOBLET OF FIRE?" Harry shakes his head no violently. "NO!" He yells back. He lets him go, as Fleur comes over and rubs my back in a sense of comfort.

Everyone turns to me as Dumbledore slowly walks up to me. "Miss Acker-" I cut him off. "I didn't do it! I would never intentionally put myself in something like this!" I tell the tears about to fall over. McGonagall comes up and hugs me. "Surely there's an exception we can make for these two." She goes on to say, concern written all over her face. "No. As of tonight, they are Triwizard champions." Barty Crouch says. Harry and I look At each other, terrified of what the future holds. "For now, go back to your dormitories." Snape finally speaks. Harry and I waste no time getting out of there. It was getting late and almost everyone should've already been in bed.

Harry and I walk side by side departing from the others. "So we both didn't put our names in?" Harry asks. I sigh in exasperation. "This is crazy." I throw out. Harry sighs, rubbing his hands on his face. "We'll talk tomorrow. I already know Hermione and Ron are waiting up for me wondering what the hell is going on." Harry tells me. I nod. "I just hope everyone in my dormitory is asleep. I don't feel like dealing with anyone else for the night." I tell him. He nods. "I'll see you tomorrow, Cas." Harry waved goodbye and leaves.

I lean against the wall and fall to the ground. "Fuck." I say to myself.

"Agreed." I snap my head up to look into the eyes of Cedric Diggory. "Oh, hi." I said. "You mind?" He asks, pointing down next to me. I motion for him to go ahead.
He sits down and rest his arms on his legs. "You wanna talk about it?" He asks me. I shake my head. "Not really. I already know I'm going to get bombarded tomorrow." He nods agreeing. "I'm sorry." He says. I look up at him. "I could tell by your reaction that you didn't do it. I can see you want no part of this competition." I sigh at his words. "I just don't know how this happened." I tell him frustrated.

"Well someone obviously put your name in." Cedric tells me. I look at him with questioning eyes. "You think so?" He nods. "That's the only way it could've happened. Someone of age wrote your name down and tossed it in. That's the only way it could've passed the age spell. Someone outsmarted Dumbledore on that bit." I listen and take in his words. "Do you have any enemies?" He asks jokingly. I laugh. "None that I can think of." I said lightly laughing with him.

"Well someone must not like you." He says. I think on his words and my eyes widen.

Lucious Malfoy.

"Piss off, Diggory." A voice speaks up. Cedric and I both stand up in front of Draco. Cedric looks between the two of us. "Is everything okay here?" He says, mainly asking me. I quit glaring at Draco to look back at Cedric. "Yeah, I'm good. I'll see you around." I tell him. He smiles at me, but glares at Draco one last time before walking off. I turn back towards Draco and frown. "Why did you have to be mean to him? He wasn't doing anything wrong." I stared walking off from him.

He grabs my wrist and spins me back to him. "We need to talk." He says in earnest. I sigh knowing what this was about already.

"I didn't put my name in." He scoffs at my answer. "You don't believe me?" He shakes is head amusement. "Who would've put both you and Potter's names in? I could understand someone having a vendetta against him. If I was of age, I would've done it myself. But you?" I look at him confused. "Were you eavesdropping on mine and Harry's conversation?" He shrugs his shoulders up and down. "And I may not know or put Harry's name in, but I know who put mine in." He look up at me with questioning eyes. "Your father." His eyes widen in shock for a second. Then just as fast, it switched to amusement. And he actually started laughing. "My father? Haha why would my father put your name in? What the hell would he have to gain from this?" He says still laughing it up.

I run my hands over my face in annoyance. "He told me that if I didn't stay away from you, that I would live to regret it." He stops laughing at me and sombers up. "Wait, you're serious?" He asks shocked again when realizing I'm not joking. He shakes his head at me. "So I assume you think he put Harry's name in to while we was at it, huh?" He says mocking me. "No. I mean, I don't know. I wouldn't put it past him with the way he was talking to me and glaring at Harry the other day." He gets close to you and stares deep into your eyes. "My-"

"Father will hear about this? Go ahead. Go bitch to daddy." I tell him. His eyes widen at my choice of words and tone. He shakes his head one last time and storms off. I storm back to my room, dreading what tomorrow brings.

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