Chapter Eight

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Draco ended up going home for the rest of Christmas break. The days flew by fast waiting for him to get back. I didn't realize how much I missed our late night rendezvous, until he left.

I still haven't figured out the egg clue yet. I was starting to get frustrated. I go out to the courtyard, to sit down and read a book, when Cedric comes up behind me. "Hey, Cass." He says taking a seat on the bench next to me. I smile putting my book away. "Cedric." I say greeting him. He starts looking around with a worried expression. In curiosity, I look around too. "What are we looking for?" I ask confused. He laughs and says, "I'm just waiting for your body guard to appear." I laugh as I realize he's talking about Draco. "I'm sorry about him." I tell him.

"Not your fault. You looked really beautiful by the way. At the ball." I blush at his words, and he gives me one more smile. He stand up to leave, before I think to ask him, "Wait, Cedric." I say catching his attention. "Have you figured out the egg yet? I have no clue what to with this thing." I ask him, hopeful he knows. The second task is tomorrow and I'm not gonna be able to compete if I don't crack this egg today. Pun intended.

He saunters back over and leans down by my ear. "Open it underwater." I scrunch my eyes together in question. He nods one more time, before walking away. I grab my things and hurry back to my dormitory. I grab the egg and rush back out into the halls of the castle. I round a corner not even paying attention and slam into someone's chest. I felt hands on me before I could fall. "Missed me that much, huh?" Draco stands there smirking. Once I catch my balance, he let me go. "You just get back?" I ask him. He nods at me. "Where are you off to in such a hurry with that stupid egg?" He says staring at the golden egg in my hands.

"I think I found out what to with it." I tell him. I start to walk again past him, and stop again to say, "Come on." He gets a small grin on his face real quick, but changes it into a smirk before answering, "I guess." I roll my eyes at him as we make our way out of the castle, and on down to the Black Lake. As we near the lake, Draco slows down. "What exactly do you have do you have do to go this egg?" He says looking at the cold lake. I glance at him, before getting to the edge of the lake. I set the egg down on the ground, and start taking my extra layers of clothes off.

I see Draco's eyes widen slightly seeing me take my extra clothes off. I get down to  my thin t-shirt and my shorts. I take my socks off before grabbing the egg again. Draco steps closer to look at me. "You're not getting in there are you?" He asks me incredulously. I nod my head. "You don't have to." I tell him. "I wasn't planning on it." He tells me being honest, and I let out small laugh. I take a deep breath before slowly taking my first step into the water. I take in a sharp breath when the freezing water meets my feet.

I continue taking small steps in until I'm waist deep in the lake. I take a deep breath and submerge the rest of my body underwater. Once complete under, I twist the egg open. The beautiful bright gold color shines throughout the water, and beautiful voice comes out of the egg.

"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
An hour long you'll have to look,
To recover what we took."

I shoot out of the water taking in a deep breath. Draco stands there patiently waiting for me. I toss him the now closed wet egg, and walk out of the water. I quickly put on my dry, about to be soaking wet, clothes. "Shit." I say, my teeth chattering. "You need to get changed before you catch a cold, or something. Draco says leading me back to the castle. "You know, you could've just used the prefects bath on the fifth floor." He says. I look up at him with a glare. "Now, you tell me." He laughs at my annoyance with him. I get weird looks from everyone as we walk by them. I look down to see myself dripping water everywhere, a trail forming behind the us the further we get into the castle. He gets me to the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room, and gives me the egg. "Change and then get back out here and tell me what happened." Draco says sternly.

I roll my eyes, but enter, and run to my room to change. When I reach the room, I'm surprised to see everyone gone. I strip off my soaking wet clothes and exchange them for dry ones. I brush my hair out and dry it real quick, before throwing it into a hair tie. I leave the egg, and head back out to Draco, who was leaning against the opposite wall. He starts walking, me following beside him. "What was the clue?" He asks.

"It was a song." I tell him. He frowns. "A song?" I nod. We walk past a bunch of people and he pulls me to a corner. "What was the song?" He asks. I repeated the song back to him. He has a blank expression after hearing the words. "What kind of fucking clue is that?" He says exasperated.

"I'm not sure. But it has something to do with the Black lake. Maybe that's where the next task is taking place." I ponder my thoughts out loud to him. I try to think on what possible reason could they have us doing at the lake. "But it said something was taken from me. And I only have an hour to look. How am I going to hold my breath for an entire hour searching that lake?" I think back to the egg. The awful screeching noises it makes when not in water. The beautiful, almost hypnotizing, voice under water. "What type of creatures do you think are in the Black Lake?" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders at my question. "Could be anything in there. I heard there is a giant squid, some people believe it's actually Godric Gryffindor himself as an animagus. There's also-" I cut him off. "What about sirens?"

"Sirens?" He questions, slightly confused. I correct myself, "Merpeople." I remember reading a Muggle book about sirens once. They beautiful voices, the horrible shrieking noises they can make. "It could be possible. What would the school have to do with merpeople though for a task?" He asks.

"Mr. Malfoy." We both look to see Professor Snape, walking towards us. He stops when he makes it to us, staring down at the two of us. "Follow me." Is all he says. Snape walks away without another word, his robe flowing behind him. Draco rolls his eyes. "I'll see you later." Draco walks off, flaring his robes in a dramatic way like Snape does. I laugh and he turns around and flashes me a wink.

I was walking back to the dormitories, when I see Harry coming out of the library. "Harry." I say, making him look up to see me. "Hey. You ready for tomorrow?" He asks referring to the second task. I shake my head. "I just found out an hour ago that this involves the Black Lake." He widens his eyes. "Shit, I'm sorry, I should've told you. Do you know what you'll use to breathe underwater for that long?" He asks. I shake my head no again. "What are you doing?" I ask him. He holds up a book about plants and herbs. "Gillyweed." He says, like I know whatever that is.

"I'll figure something out." I tell him. I look around relaxing he is alone. "Where's Ron and Hermione?" I ask him confused. They're always together. "Oh, Moody came by earlier and said McGonagall needed to speak with them for a moment. They should've been back by now, actually." He says confused also. "I'll see you tomorrow, Cassy." He says waving goodbye. We walk our separate ways to our own common rooms. I greet some people passing through to get to my room. I walk into the room to see Luna already asleep, and Abby sitting up in bed. "I seen Draco return earlier. Did y'all go hide in a corner to snog each other?" She asks, while keeping her eyes on her book.

I throw shoe at her and she laughs. "You ready for tomorrow?" She asks quietly, knowing I hate this entire competition. "No." I tell her all humor leaving my face. "You'll do great." She tells me, giving me a gentle smile. I crawl into bed, rolling over and going to sleep, dreading tomorrow.

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