Chapter Three

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Today was the quidditch match. Slytherin vs Gryffindor. I've never quite understood the fun of quidditch. I could never play. It was terrifying. I remember one year, when Harry had fallen off his broom and broke his arm.

I had just left the great hall when someone said my name, grabbing my attention. I turn to see Draco leaving his Slytherin friends to come talk to me. "Acker. Walk with me." He says. I look around to see if anyone was watching.

"Scared, Acker?" He smirks. I laugh at him before replying, "You wish." I start walking side by side with him on our way down to the match. "Are you excited about the Triwizard games?" He says trying to make conversation. I shrug my shoulders up then down. "Seems scary to me. I mean, we're all just a bunch of teenagers. These games are dangerous." I explain. He laughs. "I wish I was of age to enter." I shake my head exasperated.

"Why? Why would anyone, in their right mind, would want to enter in that tournament?" I say as if he was crazy for even suggesting he would enter. He looks at me. "Are you worried about me, Acker?" He says winking at me. I laugh. I ignore his question and continue on. "I heard the Weasley twins are trying to conjure up a potion for the age part of it. Maybe they'll succeed and you can take it too." He scoffs at the statement. "I would never take anything from the two. They would poison me without a doubt." He told me. I laughed. "I mean, can you blame them?" He ignores me and moves on. "You gonna cheer for me today? I can't wait to hear you screaming my name." He says smirking at you. You slap his arm in a playful way. "In your dreams, Malfoy." You say jokingly. "You're right." He says smirking again, running off. You shake your head in embarrassment from his words.

I stood there for a minute debating on which stands I should go to. I know Draco would probably prefer me to sit on the Slytherin side, but aside from him, I don't know anyone else from his house. I slowly make my way to the Gryffindor stands and come to find Ginny, Ron, and Hermione all sitting together.

"Cassy!" Ginny says happily as I sit down next to her. I smiled and said hi to Ron and Hermione. "Bloody hell, what made you decide to finally come to a quidditch match? I thought you said the game was barbaric or something." Ron said. I took a deep breath in and out before telling them why I was here.

I already know the "Draco is a git" speech I was going to hear and was dreading. "Draco asked me to come watch so here I am." Ron rolled his eyes and chose to ignore the fact. Better than having to listen to him rant, I guess.

Hermione shot me a faint smile, probably not saying anything due to the fact she hates Draco, but also probably because if she tried to say anything nice about the subject, Ron would lose his fucking mind.

Luckily, both teams flew out making their way to their positions in the air. Madam Hooch was explaining the rules of the game before the match starts. Right before she blew her whistle, I look to Draco to see him glance at me and shoot me a wink. I blushed and look to see Ron glaring at me. I ignore him and put my attention back to the match unfolding in front of me.

It's complete chaos. Everyone flying all over the place. There's many different balls getting hit, caught, thrown. I can't keep up with them. Only thing I could keep up with was Draco and Harry. Seeing as they were only looking for the snitch and barely flying around.

All of a sudden, it begins to pour. I watch as everyone struggles to see the quaffle and flyers narrowly miss flying right into each other. One Gryffindor starts to fall off her broom, but a teammate managed to catch her in the nick of time and slide her back on.

Slytherin was in the lead. And like clockwork, Draco and Harry catch sight up the snitch at the same time. I was struggling to keep my eyes open and to watch what was going on in front of me. The rain kept coming down harder than before.

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