Chapter Six

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"I'm going to have a fucking panic attack." I tell Harry. Im bent over, hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. Harry comes over and pays my back trying to comfort me but just making it weird. I shrug his hands off of me and he holds them up in defense. Harry's at the back of the tent where it looks like he's whispering to himself. Next thing I know, Hermione appears and hugs him. I'm about to walk over when flashes start going off.

I look to see that annoying ass reporter thinking she got a scoop on them. Young love she called it. I snickered at her walking up, earning a glare from her. "This tent is for champions. And friends." Victor says walking up. I smile at him, for defending them. She starts to walk out whenever Dumbledore and Barty walk in. He has a small bag within his hand. He explains the task to us, we have to get the egg from the dragon we choose. Everyone goes around picking their dragon. Harry got the Hungarian Horntial. His looked absolutely terrifying. Even if they were tiny and cute right now.

Barty gestures for me to reach into the bag filled with dragons and pull one out. I close my eyes out of fear and reach in. I slowly grab one and pull it out. I slowly open my eyes and look at my dragon. "Ohh. A Peruvian Vipertooth." He says in excitement. My mouth drops open slightly.

"Isn't that breed the most dangerous dragons around?" I say in shock holding one in my hand. The copper colored dragon was looking all around its surroundings. Barty nods. "This is the only one left in the world. The rest were eradicated due to them enjoying eating humans. They are also-"

"Venomous." I finish his sentence for him. He nods excitedly. Harry looks at me terrified. I grab the bag and go to put it back in and Barty snacks my hand away. "No." He says handing the bag to someone else who takes them away. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Fuck." I say under my breath, staring at the dragon in my hand.

I look up to see Cedric giving me apologetic eyes. The cannon goes off by accident and Cedric is first up. One by one, each of us go out and fight our dragon for the egg. I could hear gasps, screams, and cheers coming from the crowd. I look over to Harry as him and I are the last two in the tent. What's worse for me about this situation, is I'm not just going off on my emotions. I'm feeding into Harry's also. His anxiety is mine, his fear, I feel it. I feel like I'm going to explode from all the emotions I'm feeling times 10. Someone signals to Harry that it's his turn. He looks to me one last time, pulling me into a hug.

"Good luck." I tell him. "You too." He says giving me the best smile he can. He takes one last deep breath, and steps out of the tent. I'm all alone. With Harry gone, and no one here to watch me, I break down. I start breathing hard, tears falling. I can't stop. I'm gonna die. I tell myself that over and over again making matters worse for myself. I can hear his dragon roar, the crowd cheering, and gasping for him. I walk around the room trying to catch my breath.

"Cassy." I hear from behind me. I turn around to see Draco sneaking into the tent. I still haven't caught my breath and tears are still falling. His eyes widen at the state that I'm in. "I-I can't-d-do this." I stammer out in complete vulnerability. He goes to say something but closes his mouth, not knowing what to say to me. Before I could stop myself or even think of what I was about to do, I run up to him and throw my arms around him. He freezes not knowing what to do. I don't think anyone has ever hugged him. At least, not in a very long time. I cry into his shoulder, having a complete meltdown. He slowly wraps his arms around me, not sure how to position his arms on me. If I wasn't so terrified, I would laugh at him right now.

"I'm going to die." I say into his shoulder. I could feel the emotion of anger pass through him. He pulls me away from him to look into my eyes. "Do not say that." He says sternly to me holding my face in his hands. "You are not going to die." He promises. I let more tears slip out. "Draco... I'm terrified." I tell him my voice cracking at the end. I look down at the ground, not able to let him see me cry any longer. He puts his fingers under my chin, raising my face up to look at him.

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