Letter 1

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Hey Arthur. It's me again. You probably think I'm stupid for this. Hell you probably don't even get to read these. It makes me feel better though. I got a new job though. I've had this one for two months now. It isn't awful. It doesn't pay great but I like it. I get a whole view of the city. I think you'd like it. Remember when I went to pick up the rabbits to eat and we were trapped in the air all night? It's a prettier view than that but a similar experience. If you ever come back I'll show it to you. I still haven't made any friends. Shane at the diner seems to be fond of me though.
I found a song that reminds me of you. I added it to my playlist. It's called "King and Lionheart" by Of Monsters and Men. It's a lot different than the music we heard in Camelot. You know, when I first started writing these letters I felt like a clotpole. It feels weird expressing myself like this to you. Normally I'd make fun of you or something but I can't bring myself to do that anymore. It brings me more joy to talk to you like a normal person. It's weird not being a manservant now. Manservants are still around we just call them "secretaries" now. When you come back you can call me your secretary if you want or manservant I don't care. I just want you to come back. Please come back. Please.

With love,

With Love, MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now