Letter 2

320 15 4

Hey Arthur. Guess what? I'm talking to people now. I mean, I didn't initiate the conversation with either of them, but I didn't run away either. Shane from the diner talked to me a bit yesterday. He left me a cup of coffee today. He seems nice.
     I also met a girl at work named Jade. I like her. She kinda reminds me of Gwaine. Not that I'm trying to replace Gwaine. I'm not. She just reminds me of him. That's all. Maybe we will become friends. That would be nice. It's been hundreds of years since I've had a friend.
     Arthur I gotta ask: do you even remember me? I mean I was your servant for several years and all but it's been hundreds of years. I would probably forget me. If you have forgotten me please don't tell me. I'd rather hold onto what little hope I have. If you did forget me it's ok. It really is a beautiful day today. The sun is shining perfectly over the lake of Avalon. I hope it has proved to be a resting spot fit for not only a king but a dollop head as well.

With love,

With Love, MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now