Chapter 5

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     Merlin knocked on Jade's door. She bounced to the door and swung it open, nearly hitting Merlin.
"Come in! Make yourself at home! Livia is in the kitchen preparing dinner."
Merlin walked inside. It was a tiny home but it had a comforting atmosphere. There were tiny plants covering every surface. Pictures were hung on every inch of the wall. The color scheme was a bit odd but it matched Jade's bubbly personality. In contrast though, Livia was the complete opposite. Their body was covered in various piercings and tattoos. She wore dark clothing complete with accessories. They always wore their spiked choker and constantly wore chains.

Merlin's POV

I like Jade's house. It's not your average home but it's comforting. She's such a caring person. I wish more people were like her. I honestly believe she helped me get better. She got me out of my comfort zone and became my friend. I think I would be in a darker place right now if she didn't come into my life. I'm so grateful for her.
Livia is nice too. They compliment Jade really well. Jade is outgoing and vivacious while Livia is more laid back and reserved. They compliment each other well. I think Jade also pushed Livia out of her comfort zone. They also make delicious pork chops.

"So Merlin, what do you like to do in your free time?" Livia asked helping herself to more pork.
"I don't really socialize much. Sometimes I go to a little diner and write but that's about it."
"Oh that's cool. Are you a writer on the side or is it just a hobby?"
"I mean I'm not a writer. I don't write stories or poetry. I mostly just journal or write letters to my friend."
"That's so nice. Nowadays I feel like no one writes letters too each other anymore. I always grew up writing letters to my parents. After they divorced, I went to live with my older brother. Things ended badly. Long story short the judge deemed them unfit to take care of children, so I stayed with my brother."
"I'm sorry that sounds like a rough childhood."
"Don't worry about it. It actually wasn't so bad," they paused for a minute. "So where does your friend live?"
Normally, Merlin would have paused or hesitated to say something. He would have to say Arthur was dead, which had always bothered him. However tonight, for whatever reason, things felt different.
"Oh he passed away some time ago. This is just my way of coping. Though, I've been writing to him less. I think I'm finally healing." Jade smiled and put her hand on Merlin's shoulder. He couldn't help but smile.
"Well I'm glad you are getting over it Merlin. That's a big step in healing." Merlin nodded and went back to eating. The three sat in silence for a few minutes before they were interrupted by Jade's phone. A puzzled expression stretched across her face.
"That's weird." Her voice trailed off. Merlin looked up from his plate.
"What's wrong?"
"It's our boss."
"Well he calls us if there is a schedule change or something. I'm sure it's nothing big." Jade nodded and walked into the other room to talk. Merlin and Livia watched the clock, eagerly waiting for Jade to return. She had been gone too long. After an eternity she returned to the table.
"We are not to go to work until further notice." Merlin choked on his water briefly.
"Wait what? Why?"
"Have you not seen the news? There's a new virus spreading: Covid. Half the world has already shut down. People aren't allowed to leave their homes. We have to isolate from everyone and everything."
"When will we get to return to work?"
"Oh don't worry Merlin it will only be a few weeks. This will blow over like the common cold. You have nothing to worry about." Merlin nodded weakly. He didn't say anything the rest of the night. He left Jade's house around midnight and drove home in silence. He walked into his apartment and threw his car keys on the couch. He walked over to table, took out a piece of paper, and began to write.

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