Letter 6

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Hey Arthur. I just wanted to update you on my life again. I know I wrote to you earlier today, but a lot has happened in the past few hours.
On a good note, I got to meet Livia. They were pretty chill. (In case you are confused since Livia is one person, some people go by singular they/them pronouns. It's a more recent thing and I wouldn't expect you to understand it right away, but Livia uses they/she pronouns.) It was a really fun evening. I had a great time.
Ok, on to the bad news. The world is shutting down. There's an illness going around and everyone is getting sick. I did some research and it's killing a lot of people and highly contagious. I'm not allowed to go to work until further notice too, and when I finally secured a job for awhile too. I texted Shane about it before leave Jade's house. The diner shut down already. So I'm not going to be able to see Shane or Max for a little while. I'm worried about Max. He depends on us to live. Anyway, I'm going to be locked in my apartment for the next few weeks, so I thought I'd come visit the lake one for time for awhile. It'll just be a quick thing, but I want to say hi one more time before I have to isolate. I'll see you in the morning.

With love,

With Love, MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now