Letter 4

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Hey Arthur. I'm writing this letter about two hours later after the one with Jade. I just felt like I couldn't truly express myself you know? Don't get me wrong, Jade is a sweetheart but it is hard to express how I'm feeling with someone hovering over your shoulder. Haha I guess so know how you feel now. I would always crowd around you...
     Anyway, I have a friend now and I still have a job! I feel kinda good Arthur. It feels nice. Jade is very nice. We get along well. I think she's the first friend I've had since Percival died. Shane kind of reminds me of Percival. He's a big man too.
     It's nice to be getting new friends. I've been lonely since Noah left. I guess I don't talk about him a whole lot. He was my boyfriend. I loved him Arthur. He left for America though. I haven't spoken to him in a while. Well I don't want to end things on a bad note. I'm going to visit the ruins again tomorrow. Maybe I'll even do some cleaning to make up for all the cleaning I never did!

                                                With love,

With Love, MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now