Letter 5

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     Hi Arthur! I guess it's been about a month since I last wrote to you now. Life has been very busy. It's the end of February. I've managed to keep my job cleaning Big Ben for awhile now. I think I'm getting better Arthur. I've become really close with Jade and Shane. I've had Jade over for dinner and I've gone to her house.
Shane finished remodeling the diner too. I still go there quite often, not always to write though. I talk with Shane a lot. He's a good friend to me. Sometimes I talk with others in the diner too. There's a boy who comes in every Wednesday. His name's Max. Shane and I don't really know his story. He never has a parent or guardian with him, and every time he walks in he's famished. I think he is probably homeless. Shane gives him free meals. He's a talkative fellow. Max is actually very interested in the "legends" of King Arthur. To Max's knowledge, I'm a historian so we always chat about what a "great" king Arthur was. He feels like a son to me in a way. I look after him while he is in the diner.
I've got to get going soon. I'm going over to Jade's to meet her girlfriend Livia. I've heard so much about her. She treats Jade well from what I can tell. I'll talk to you later buddy.

                                                  With love,

A.N.~ Hey everyone! Im really sorry this took awhile to publish. School has been extremely busy. I also had a writers block for awhile haha. Chapters are gonna be released more regularly now! Thank you :)

With Love, MerlinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum