Chapter 2: My Confession

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Sheryl's POV

Krystal told me that if I don't tell Stella how I feel; I could lose her, probably forever. She told me not to wait too long and then after a few other bits of advice, we said our farewells and she hung up. I turned my head to see Stella's door was open. I was so nervous about confessing my love for Stella to her, but it was now or never and I knew that. So, I walked over to Stella's door and saw her getting dressed, it looked as though she had just got back from taking a shower; but the only people I noticed leaving and entering the dorm who were going to the showers were; Daria and Crystal, and Bella. "Hi Sheryl." Stella said in a happy tone. "Can I help you with something?" She asked. I looked at her and answered; "Not with anything specific, I actually just wanted to speak with you." Stella gave me a look before she spoke; "Is it important? Because I have to go meet someone in an hour."

I took a deep breath and then I answered; "Stella, it is important! Important for you to hear from me. The thing is, I'm not sure if you will accept this or not, but I hope you do. What I need to discuss with you is this; As you are already aware; I have this person that I've been crushing on. And I felt the need to finally come forward and be honest with myself as well as everyone about who it is that I've been crushing on. And Stella, the person I've been crushing on is..." I was about to finish my sentence, when Stella as if she already knew; "It's me isn't it? I'm the one you're crushing on!" My mouth dropped in shock.

"What's that look for? Sheryl, everyone in the school knew about your crush, including me, that day when I returned from England and told you about my nan disowning me after I came out as Lesbian, and how I told my parents that I may move in with my potential significant other when she finally admits she's in love with me. I was actually talking about you. I've known you had feelings for me since last semester during the Valentine's Ball that Ruby and Jade put together after they publicly announced they were dating." I remember back to the Valentine's Ball, and it was there that Jade announced that they were dating, Jade and Bella despite being in love with one another just decided it was for the best to break up and remain friends, and Jade had been single for almost a year when she began dating Ruby.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Stella knew I was head-over-heels in love with her the entire time and she even told her parents that she was even considering moving in with me once I finally admitted I was in love with her. I was flabbergasted. I mean; Stella knew the whole time, if she knew why didn't she tell me!? "Stella, if you knew the whole time about how I felt in regards to you, why didn't you just tell me you knew!?" I asked the love of my life. Stella looked at me and said; "If I had told you I knew, you never would've had the guts, strength or self-esteem to come forward and confess to me now would you? Which is why I didn't tell you that I knew." Stella was still partially naked as she continued talking to me. Stella began to make her way towards me. Why I didn't know.

I wasn't resisting Stella or anything like that, but I didn't want her to be seen by anyone else, so I said; "Hey Stellz, I know that we're talking right now but I can see your private area, not that I was actually looking or anything. But why don't you finish getting dressed and then we'll continue talking." Stella nodded and then I turned and left the room shutting the door behind me. After a few minutes; Stella opened her door again. "Okay, I'm dressed. So, where were we before you left? Oh wait, I remember, I was half naked facing you, in fact; I was on my way over to you so I could do this." Stella pulled me closer to her and then she pressed her lips against mine and kissed me. "Now that you have finally admitted that you are in love with me, I can finally make you mine!" Stella said kind of seductively as she placed her lips on my neck and kissed me.

"Tell me Sheryl; do you like what you feel?" I nodded. The room felt like it was on fire as she knelt down and placed her lips just below my left boob and kissed me. "I can't hear you nodding your head, please answer me." I immediately answered; "Take me any way you want to, I'm all yours, Stella!" Which was more of a shout. Amaya and Gabriella came out from their room, Daria and Crystal who had also returned from the shower looked at me and said; "Sheryl? You finally told Stella! Wow, we're so shocked."

I felt proud of myself because I finally told Stella that I was in love with her and our roommates were shocked to hear that "Forever Fuchsia" had finally set sail! I was actually thinking about telling everyone else that Stella and I were finally together, except; Stella wasn't my girlfriend yet. "Hey Stellz, I was wondering; would you like to have a girlfriend?" Stella smiled before she responded; "But Princess, I thought that me kissing you just now was evident enough that we were now girlfriends!" Now that I think about it, the moment the others in our dorm room saw the two of us kiss, it was obvious that we were at long last finally together. "Oh, if that's the case; I want the whole school to know that I am no longer "Single Sheryl", and that I'm dating British Royalty!" Stella smiled and agreed; "Let's go tell everyone you're my girlfriend!"

Stella and I left our dorm hand in hand and went to show everyone that we're finally dating.

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