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Derpy, as everypony knew, loved muffins. She will eat any muffin given to her.
Derpy went to pick up her new dress with perfect muffin- sized pockets when Dusk Thread stopped her.
"Here. I made this muffin for you. So you can test your pockets!" Dusk Thread told her brightly, handing her a muffin slightly smaller than Derpy's smaller muffins.
" Thanks!" Derpy said, slipping the muffin into a perfectly muffin-sized and shaped pocket.
Later, Derpy was hungry. She remembered Dusk Thread's Muffin. She quickly made a fresh batch of blueberry muffins to go with her meal.
She raised the muffin to her mouth, removed the wrapper, and swallowed the little muffin whole.
Suddenly, her neck began to burn and sting. Blood foamed at her mouth. She began coughing and choking like crazy.
She finally fell over, blood spilling from her mouth.
Derpy Hooves was dead.

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