A story

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A story makes a book and so does life. We are authors filling up the pages of our life and sometimes, we aren't the hero or heroine in our books. Sometimes there is no cliffhanger and, sometimes we don't get to be bestsellers.

   However, we have fantasies and I get that's what books are there for. To fill up the void our life neglected, to make us think "I wish". Isn't it lovely that all those characters we read about are nothing like what we write in our life's story? We know the bad guys and good guys in books and we read their origin stories. In reality, however, there are no good and bad; we all are humans and choices we make fill up pages chapter by chapter until eventually, we get to the epilogue without knowing the genre of the plot from the prologue.

Like you, I'm an author and this isn't just my story. It is our story and the choices we made to fill up the pages. "Our story?" You may ask. Yes, the story of what you may call "what made us human to no one but ourselves?"  You see, I was blind to the fact that every mirror has a shadow just like mine. But I couldn't lie to myself anymore because every time I looked into the mirror, I saw its shadow.

"What's a mirror's shadow?" I hope you find out as you read, just as I discovered the secret as I stared into the mirror. My name is Omasiri and this is the story of our mirror's shadow.

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