Chapter 3- Omasiri

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I had barely made enough money today to send for my family. It wasn't easy living in the central city to make money. Things are more expensive compared to my hometown. Zimife sent me letters from home complaining about how hard things are for mama and papa. Everything they always said about this place isn't as magical as reality presented it but I was not ready to give up. I had given up a lot to admit defeat now.

No room for failure.

The sun had kissed the earth goodbye. I stood up, taking my goods inside so I could close my stall. I needed to send money to my family and buy some food stuff for them this evening so I could send it tomorrow. I chained the iron door and used a padlock for extra security. I kept the key in my pouch's pocket. Being an easterner, I must never forget the basics about protection. Knowledge is power yet Ignorance makes a foolish man.

The mini shop was well protected. I carried my pouch mama made for me, held it tightly like I carried a secret weapon inside it, tied my scarf around my head covering half of my face.

Taking a few steps away from my shop, I welcomed the crowd ahead of me. "My gods" I lost my breath.

I could see merchants, travelers, nobles, from all over Nijiria and guards of the chosen four. Even at night the central market is never asleep. I was yet to get accustomed to this place.

I decided to take the shortcut to the center, The mad market  they called it.

With each step I take, I'm chary of where I am. I made sure not to draw much attention to myself. The mad market always sent a message of warning, just like the name and every time I walked down this path it tried my best to ignore it. The place smelt like a leaking sewage, the animals butchered by what looked like sociopaths blinded my sights but I knew better than to look at it for too long, the blood of butchered animal, maybe humans too, spilled on the muddy floor like it was our tears of pain, people shouting that could nearly make one deaf.
All tribes fought for superiority.

I felt the tension here building up, waiting for a single mistake to surface. It felt like I was staring at Nijiria's reflection. The one thing we could never hide beyond the fallacy of peace and love. The fight to rip ourselves apart beyond repair to prove what they called lies.

The weapons were our words and if yours is not strong enough you will be silenced for life. Their eyes were their shield. One blink and your defenses are down. Some things sold here were questionable for human cause but who cares.

This was the mad market. A place no one would question the Venn diagram of reality and the truth being the truth is unavoidable.

I knew wiser than to show any form of weapon.

This place always alarmed my reasoning. I heard rumors about those that have crossed this road but never saw the light at the end of it.

What were you thinking Oma?

I rushed to the end of the road where it felt less alarming. That is if I reach it.

I heaved a deep sigh of relief when I was taken in by the familiar sight. Contented about the new state of my mind, I walked to the fabric unit like I always do before I go home.

I took small steps so I wouldn't miss any beautiful design. I loved the central market, mostly the fabric section to be precise. It had beautiful and unique materials. I'm baffled by the pattern of design and race of sales. I'd love to buy some one day. Behind me, I could smell spices of various kinds. Gods. How much I love food. I know every spice there is merely by scenting it. Black pepper, curry, peppermint, ginger, seasoned salt and many more spices that made my nose perked up.

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