Chapter 13 part two- Sijuade and Omasiri

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A/N: this part of the chapter shows what Sijuade was doing when Omasiri was in the library. it also  centers on what happened after Omasiri's flashback in chapter 12.


The sun is blazing hot which means it's almost at its peak for the day. I wonder if Oma will be fine in the library alone. I mean she's Oma, I have no reason to worry. I assured myself to believe in her.

Time to focus.

"How will I get that boat?" I asked myself. "Can I trust Owomide to get it done? It has to be that boat."

Although the sun came out too early today, a thunderstorm which means a heavy rainfall will occur later. We should be out of the west before that even happens.

My focus right now is the black market.

Ah, yes. The location of the black market always changes.

It's a market that shifts and nobody knows how or who controls the shifting. The only entrance is by being a seller or getting invited by a seller, that is, being a permanent customer. There is also the rare case of gaining a pass due to having done so many expensive trades with them. The black market is veiled from the eyes of the people that don't have the right to get into it. It shows itself to its members only. Most people call it the land of ghosts because it's amongst us but no one sees it. The black market is always like this, nobody knows what powers it or how it originated but one thing is for sure; this market has saved lives.

I feel this is something worth bragging about. I gained my pass because of all the numerous trades I've had in the black market since I was twelve years old. Yet, It's no place for kids. My father's horse, his unique items and so many other items worth money, I sold them. Father made it hard to earn money growing up, but I needed money to take care of Anju and so what other way to get it right?

I can't say life has been nice to me as a westerner but as a trader, life has been beautiful to me. Not only did I gain my pass, but I also have workers in the black market who trade for me. Workers that get me information, strong tonics, sell illegal items, gain access into places no one else can, and very rare herbs. Being proud of my accomplishment is an understatement.

To find the black market as a member is as simple as imagining the entrance, then it reveals itself to you, and you're there. I can't say the exact location but it looks like it's taking the meat market structure today. I step in heading straight to the payment booth.

In this market, everybody's identity is hidden. Our faces are veiled so we can't tell who is who. No matter how many times Owomide and I have been to this market, we have never met here. Strange indeed. You can never lose direction in the black market, it's like it knows where you are going and just serves as a map taking you there. Like it is doing for me today. In this market, I am not the Siju, Anju knows or the Sijuade everyone knows.

"Ade, I greet you sir." says the seller at my front. That's right. I am Ade, king. I am king in this market.

"Thank you. I would like to transfer money to a family today." I go straight to the point.

"Anonymous like usual?" he asks.


He brings out his pen and paper like usual and starts taking notes.

"Destination?" he asks.

"The eastern tribe, Rewi town," I replied.

"To whom?"

"The Ika family."

"How much?" he doesn't look up once as he asks these questions. All that matters is the note he's writing and that's why I use Dotun, he never wants to know more.

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