Chapter 20- Anju

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I didn't have to blink twice to know I woke up in another place. That dream at night wasn't much of a dream. The lady in red. Madam koi koi, they called her.

I heard stories about her from my childhood. She was known for taking kids that had problems or troubles to her parents. I heard she warns them at first to be disciplined and if you're still troublesome, she appears at night to you and the only way out is to answer her question correctly or you die.

I knew it was all a myth until last night.

" What is your soul?"

Snapping myself out of thoughts, I was taken back by my surroundings. Yes, I woke up in a different place but this time alone.

"SIjuade!!" I yelled his name.

"Nabila '' Still no reply except the echoes of my voice reverberating.

"Where am I?" I asked out loud to the person that brought me here.

I'm no fool. Though no one was with me doesn't mean I came on my own. I could tell something was with me. The problem was I just couldn't see it, but I could feel it.

Right in front of me was a river and a very big rock in the middle of the river. The rock is where I felt its presence.

"Why can't I see you? Is what you're to ask boy." I heard from thin air. I believe it spoke, but I could tell where the voice came from and still couldn't see it.

Is it a ghost?

"No. I'm not a ghost, Anju." Taken aback by the mind reading ability.

"So why can't I see you and how do you know my name?"

"You ask just a question every hour".


"Let me help by revealing who I am."

I didn't tear my sight away from the rock. Right before my eyes I saw her. I could see her so close, yet I knew she was far.

Was it her doing? She looked very beautiful. Most beautiful girl I have ever set my eyes on.

Her skin was glowing under the sun and her eyes could enchant a man. I couldn't look into her eyes for long. I didn't know why but I had a feeling of warning.

She sat on the rock but with her legs.... No, tail fin.

Fin?! FIN?!

Is she?

"Are you Mami water?"

"I asked one question every one hour, Anju." Her voice was so sweet. It was like my favorite melody.

Mami water. The destroyer of men. I could certainly see why they called her that. She could destroy me with her beauty, and I'll gladly oblige. Men have seen her when sailing far to find fishes. I believed she never existed because her beauty was exaggerated. No one would believe a human like her would exist.

She moved from the rock to and jumped back into the river. She swam to the shore, where I stood, and changed her fins for feet.


"So, it's true. You can change to people like us."

"Yes, I agree."

Standing so close to me now, Mami water was part human and fish but before my eyes she looked very human and beautiful.

"I'm sure you're wondering why you are here. Today, you begin your training as a true southerner." With every step she took reminded me of a lady's mission to seduce a man into making her dream come true.

Midnight Shrubजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें