Chapter 10- Omasiri

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I really hate this feeling. Everywhere is so quiet. It's been hours now. Anju is still bleeding; I don't think Nabil can move her hands and Sijuade seems like he's in a much worse condition. He could've healed himself if he was just a bit stronger. On the bright side, I'm warmer now. Not so warm but better than before. I owe Nabil an apology. I know I messed up, but I really don't want to approach this topic.

"There's only one way out of this oma" I said in a low voice.

I then stood up from my sit and knelt before Nabil with my hands up.

"Nabil, I'm sorry." I spoke.

She turned her head the other way.

"Nabil..please I'm sorry. I know I messed up. Please don't be upset."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked still facing the other side.

"I didn't want to put you in trouble nabil, you're a person of authority. It's even worse if it's you that related with them". I tried to sound convincing. "Seriously." I quickly added.

"Is that all?" She asked

"And I was scared you'd overreact and attack him". Which she already did I said inwardly.

She turned to me.

"Yes oma, I'd obviously overreact. You know what happens to people that have information about southerners. I'll tell you to not relate with them anymore. But you'd still calm me down and I'll see reason. Isn't that what you always do?". She sounded more frustrated.

"I'm s..orry nabil, I'll never ever again keep anything from you. So please don't be upset." I managed to say

"Never?" She sat up.

"Yes, never". I nodded.

"Oma, look at me." I looked up with my eyes looking like they were about to tear up. "You're not the only one keeping things. I don't have any right to judge you so much. I'm sorry for being so somehow".

"Don't apologize for being somehow. I'm okay with you not talking Nabil. You don't really talk but you do that so you won't lie. Isn't that, right? You're my only friend and I wouldn't trade you for anyone". I gave her hug before she could reject it.

"You this tiny girl, you're a crybaby, aren't you?" she said unable to reject my hug.

"Yes, yes I am". I pulled myself away and looked at her. "Nabil, why aren't you returning my hug?"

"My arms can't move because of a special someone". She said eyeing anju.

"Ahhh..." I managed to say

I left her immediately and went to sit with Anju and sijuade.

I started with Anju.

"How's your head?" I asked

"It's fine. Look oma, I'm so-"

"Don't apologize now ANJU, not now".

The last thing I want to hear now is that it was not supposed to turn out this way, blah blah blah. Okay.

I turned to face siju.

"You look like you're in the worse condition ever".

"So, you're not interested anymore?" he asked smiling.

"Looks like you're alright after all". I shoved his shoulder. I was about to leave when he took my hand.

"Oma, I can't apologize right?" He asked.

"No, just don't". I replied

"Ouch. My wife is upset with me".

"Don't call me your wife. Leave my hand alone". I thwarted his hand away.

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