Chapter 9- OMASIRI

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It's around early evening, I guess. I never knew I'd meet Sijuade today, I thought they left central city after I couldn't help them. I feel so bad though. I can't believe I was of no use to them. And the verses of the letter just won't leave my mind no matter how hard I try. What do nightmares have to do with the letter?!

I overate today. Why did he have to pay? At least I got 70 silver coins because of him since I've sent the family the three gold coins I got, I guess I can finally buy some clothes for myself. Probably a new shoe too, this one is getting too old. I better go. Evening market is always the best and always packed with people. I started skipping.

I pass here almost every day on my way home but it still amazes me whenever I see it. Look at the fabrics and the shoes. And the nice bags. I'll get myself a nice pouch and probably get clothes for Nabil too. She will totally love this. Then I'll get her a pouch that matches with mine. I have enough coins for that. Okay Oma, let's start. I headed to the pouch store first

"Good evening pretty madam" the boy greeted.

"Good evening," I greeted back. The pouches here are very beautiful. Look at the designs. I'm getting a brown and black design for Nabil and I'll get a brown and yellow design for me.

"How much is this?!"

"7 silver coins."

"Which one is seven?! For two of them?"

"Madam, you know that pouch is expensive now and it is of high quality. This one is original."

"I know it's original. That's why I will buy two for five coins, huh?"

"This madam, you know it is last price I gave you."

A beautiful pouch for seven silver coins? I will be mad to buy that.

"I know, I know, that's why the gods will bless you. Thank you." I gave him that sweet smile.

"Oya bring ten silver coins" he began putting the pouches in a nylon bag.

"Eight. I will give you eight coins. Thank you." I paid him and got my goods from him.

I was off to the clothing section. My favorite section of the market. So many designs that I get indecisive on what to buy. I like buying some eastern tribal and some general clothing. I hardly try bargaining when it comes to clothes, because they are worth every penny. I'll go to my favorite store in central city.

As I approached her store, she sighted me. The other northern female friend I have.

"Oma!!!" She screamed and ran to hug me.

"Hey Sauria!" I hugged her back. Sauria sells the best clothes in central city. Also, she's a friend of Nabila and I. Mostly I though, Nabila met her through me. Though she doesn't know Nabila is a princess. I'm the only one who knows and maybe some guards at the camp.

"It has been long Oma, did Nabil come with you?"

"No, she's probably training by now. So how have you been? Looks like business is moving really quickly this time. See as you're looking sweet" I sweet mouthed her.

She laughed. "Oma stop it. This your mouth. Come in. Select what you want today." she gestured me into her store.

"Okay ma, I know it's wholesale price you'll give me" I winked at her.

"See this Obgian has come again." We both laughed

When I entered the clothes were calling my name. From the tops, gowns, capes, cloaks, wrappers, headscarf, shorts, wrapped skirts both short and long, even the undergarment tights, to the foreign attires. I started picking. I picked two sets for Nabil. A gown that came with nice undergarment tights and a nice cloak, everywhere would soon be pretty cold. It's raining season. Then I also got her a trouser with a cut short top and matching cape. They'll be comfortable to wear if she wants to fight. I then picked five sets for me. A short gown, a cloak with its matching pair of trousers, one cut short top and trouser set, a short-wrapped skirt and foreign top they call fringe and a nice headscarf to go with an eastern dress. They all looked lovely.

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