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Posted 12/31/2021

1380 Words

                                              Hello, Readers hope you enjoy it!!      

                                              * Harry was more awake now 

                                                that he had his cup of coffee. * 

            Harry woke up and walked downstairs to get some breakfast not caring if he was still in his pajamas, too tired to function properly. He walked into the kitchen greeting his parents with a " good morning" before going and making some coffee, his dad flipping a pancake before catching it in the pan. While his father set up the table, they all sat down and ate their breakfast. Harry was more awake now that he had his cup of coffee. Once finished, Harry went upstairs to change, he chose some simple black jeans and a gray hoodie something comfortable for the long train ride, he then headed back downstairs with his trunk and put it in the car before grabbing Hedwig and placing her in the car as well they would be driving to the train station to get to platform 9 and ¾.

                                                  ( Picture of Harry's outfit )

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                                                  ( Picture of Harry's outfit )

 Once they arrived at the station they headed to where the magical barrier to platform 9 and ¾ was located. They made sure no muggles were looking before crossing the barrier one by one, once on the other side, they found Ron and Hermione's parents. His father and dad started talking to them while the trio found Ginny, Luna, and Neville chatting, Ginny arm was draped around Luna's waist her chin resting on her shoulder while Neville had a plant in his arms. They walked over and started to talk, Harry was of course excited to return to Hogwarts, especially to annoy Minnie but he was also dreading having to be in the same castle as Malfoy. Harry found Malfoy attractive even if he would never admit it out loud, that did not change the fact he was a prat. The train would be leaving soon so they reunited with their parents, each saying their goodbyes as well as promising to write home frequently, they sat in the train compartment they had sat in since their first year. Ginny, Luna, and Neville had sat together in another compartment, they talked for a while, they also took a long nap ( all of them being tired from waking up early ) which they were rudely taken out of by Hermione shaking them awake telling them to get into their robes.

She had already changed and was reading a book not paying any attention to them, Ron and Harry also changed into their robes They didn't mind changing in front of each other because one, they thought of each other as siblings ( And Harry and Hermione are related because Hermione is the daughter of Lily and Narcissa who is the cousin of Regulus) and two they were all most definitely not straight. After everyone was changed they played exploding snaps until they reached the castle, they gathered all their things and made their way outside and into a carriage. They sat down at the Gryffindor table, headmistress McGonagall gesturing for everyone's attention, " welcome everyone to a new year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizarding before we dig into the feast that our house-elves have prepared for us. Hermione let out a displeased sigh, I wanted to welcome all of you to Hogwarts and remind everyone that your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. The house with the most points will be awarded the house cup at the end of the year, now let the feast begin." All types of food and drinks appeared on the long brown wooden tables, everyone ate and chatted. By the end everyone was full and happy Harry had discovered that Lavender and Parvati had become a couple over the summer. Once the feast had ended everyone made their way to their corresponding common room/ dorm to get some rest.

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