413 9 21

Posted: 2/25/22

Words: 1430

Hello, readers I hope you enjoy it!!

*" look moony who's here, it's mini Reg!"*

A/N Thank you so so much for the 422 reads and the 8 votes, they mean so so much to me. Thank you once again, every reader means a lot to me!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Draco laid on his favorite green sofa in the common room, both arms behind his head. Pansy was seated in a small corner of the sofa, her knees pulled to her chest, a mug of warm tea balanced on one knee. The two friends were talking and gossiping, " The Yule Ball is gonna be soon and you still haven't asked Harry to go with you."

" Why would I ask him?"

Pansy sighs, " well besides the fact that you're basically engaged I thought you would use the ball as an excuse to dance with the boy you've liked since the first year," she said taking a sip of her tea shrugging. Draco just stared at his friend whose short hair was pulled up into a small ponytail, in shock —had she really just said that?— Pansy just smirked, "you're really not as subtle as you may think, Blaise and I have known for a while."

Draco rolled his eyes, " How do I ask him?"

" You could ask him to meet you somewhere and then declare your love for him."

" No."

Pansy took another dramatic sip mumbling under her breath, " just a suggestion."

" Changing the subject."

" Thought you'd say that."

" Anyway as I was saying, I just hope you don't forget about Blaise and me now that you found yourself a girlfriend.

Pansy pushed one of Draco's legs out of the sofa, " I would never forget you two dumbasses, love you too much for that."

" Aww, you actually care."

" Piss of wanker!" She said laughing.

↤↤↤↤↤ Time skip ↦↦↦↦↦

Draco was making his way to Ancient runes, he saw Harry coming from the opposite side of the corridor. He took out the note he had written the night before and as Harry passed him, he slipped it into his bag. When Harry got to class he started to take out his books and ink when he saw a piece of parchment folded up nicely, —he didn't remember putting that there— he picked it up and saw there was a very fancy cursive handwriting definitely not his he thought, the cursive letters spelling out the word OPEN. Curious about who had left this in his back he did as instructed, he opened it and read the message inside.

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