411 12 9

Posted: 2/20/22

Words: 858

Hello, readers hope you enjoy it!!!

*" Aren't you named after a constellation?"*

 A/N I am so sorry for not posting on Friday, I literally forgot all about posting. I hope this cute chapter makes up for it.

The second week of November ( I know it's not likely to snow in Hogwarts in November but let's go with it please)

Harry looked outside the window, there was a thick layer of snow covering all of Hogwarts grounds. Making the grounds even more stunning than normal, he decided to go outside to observe the beautifulness of the snow, and how the delicate snowflakes fell from the blue, almost gray skies. Covering the grounds with a white blanket, he walked outside pulling his coat a little closer as it was bitterly cold. Walking near the edge of the forest, he spotted a figure sitting against a tree reading a book with a Slytherin scarf wrapped around their neck, he realized that the figure was Draco. As he made his way closer to Draco he noticed that he was wearing a sweater way too thin for the freezing temperature, " How are you not cold it's freezing out here? He asked as he sat down to the left of Draco.

" Has it escaped your pea size brain that you're a wizard?" He sassed back even though his words had no real venom behind them, especially when he lazily tilted his head to the left to look at Harry with a small smile dancing on his pink lips, his face slightly flushed from the cold.

He shrugged, " maybe."

Draco rolled his eyes before pulling out his wand and pointing it at Harry, "It's a warming charm."

Harry felt as the charm took effect filling his body with warmth, " Thanks."

" No problem."

" What are you reading?"

" A book," Seeing the look on Harry's face he continued, " It's a book about constellations and the stories behind them."

" Aren't you named after a constellation?"

" Yes, I'm named after the constellation Draco which is a dragon."

" Isn't that the dragon that has to protect a golden apple?"

" Yup, in Greek mythology the dragon has to protect Hera's golden apples in the garden of Hesperides."

" My father told me that story, Hera is grateful for his service and gives him a spot in the sky."

" Yeah, that's right."

" I would love to learn more about constellations and their stories."

" You should, it's quite interesting."

They started chatting away when Harry had accidentally let slip that he hadn't studied for the upcoming exam, Draco started to scowl at him, " you have to study Harry this exam is wor-" Draco stop mid-sentence when something cold hit his face —snow.—

" You were talking too much," Draco just stared at Harry, a shocked expression on his sharp feature face, before his lips formed a smirk, Harry wasn't all too keen to find out what was making Draco smirk. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Draco holding some snow in his hands forming it into a sphere, that was all it took for Harry to try to scramble to his feet as to not get hit. But he had barely stood up when he felt his back get hit, he turned to face Draco that was now standing, the book closed in forgotten next to the tree.

" You're on," with that they broke out into a snowball fight, laughing when the other got hit. Harry was about to throw another ball at Draco when Draco stopped him by grabbing his arm lightly but still strong enough to restrict Harry from throwing anything, as Harry struggled to get free he accidentally slipped on the snow tumbling backwards. Harry tried to steady himself by clenching onto Draco but this only resulted in Draco losing his balance causing him to fall forward. 

Harry landed on the snow while Draco was able to catch himself, one hand beside Harry's chest while the other one was near his head making Draco's face only a couple of inches away from Harry's. Draco could see his mesmerizing gray-blue eyes that were hidden under his long eyelashes, Draco couldn't look away from the other boy, intoxicated by his beauty; how his skin seemed to glow and how his lips had a pink tint to them, It was merely a few seconds but it felt like so much longer as time seem to freeze while gazing into his eyes, but he composed himself and pushed himself off of Harry flopping beside him instead. They looked up at the cloudy sky for a couple of seconds before bursting into laughter, dopamine pumping through their veins, they looked at the clouds pointing to unique shapes they saw in them. Both boys were outside for a long time—though neither noticed since when they were together time seemed to fade— after a while, Harry suggested hot chocolate so after Draco got his book they made their way back to the castle, large smiles gracing their faces.

A/N Sorry again for not posting on Friday. Please feel free to leave feedback. Have a good day/ afternoon/night.

- Leo the mischievous writer

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