593 17 11

Posted: 1/14/2022

Words: 787

                                        Hello, Readers hope you enjoy it!!!!

                                       * Pansy leaned in and whispered 

                                         to Draco and Blaise, "Success." *

The next morning Harry woke up Ron before getting ready for class, when he was ready he went to go to the common room. He saw Hermione sitting on one of the red couches, "Morning mione.

 " Morning Harry, how was the talk with the Slytherins?"

" Well, actually It was only me and Draco."

"Oh. well, what did you and Draco come up with?"

" Draco had the idea of starting a rumor that is actually true, and then confirming it."

" Morning guys!"

" Morning Ron!" Both Harry and Hermione said in unison.

" I was just telling Hermione about... With that, they made their way to breakfast."

↤↤↤↤↤ Time skip ↦↦↦↦↦

The trio had a free period so they decided to go sit outside. They all sat down in their favorite spot under a tree. They were talking about the upcoming quidditch game between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff when they heard someone yell, " Gryffendorks!" They looked up to see Pansy walking towards them, she sat down in front of them.

Ron rolled his eyes, " great, you call us dorks, then come and sit with us."

" Hush darling I'm here to inform you of how we're going to start the rumor, and I didn't call y'all dorks I simply yelled out Gryffindors and you three looked up. Not my fault.

" Whatever," he mumbled before getting slightly elbowed by Hermione.

" Continue."

Pansy straightened her posture and cleared her throat dramatically. " We need someone to " overhear" us talking about Draco and Harry being together because of the contract, with that the word would spread like fiendfyre ."

" You mean slither like a snake because that is the most Slytherin plan I have ever heard," Ron and Hermione nodded their heads agreeing with Harry's statement.

" Thank you, I was thinking that Hermione and I could wait outside the great hall for someone to come close so, we can start talking, they'll hear and walk into the great hall and tell their friends at the table. "

" That could work."

" It will work."

" Meet me outside the great hall today at dinner."

" Okay."

" Well, even though this conversation has been lovely I have to head back to the library so that Draco can help me with my charms homework." With that, she got up and headed towards the castle. The trio stayed out there talking until they had to head to history of magic.

↤↤↤↤↤ Time skip ↦↦↦↦↦

Hermione was waiting near the great hall doors for Pansy when she saw the Slytherin girl she couldn't stop the faint blush spreading through her cheeks, she quickly composed herself and greeted her with a small smile. They waited a couple of minutes until they heard footsteps coming nearer, Pansy turned to face her and said a bit more loudly than what was usual for a conversation. " I can't believe that Draco has to date Harry because of that stupid contract."

Hermione following the act said, " I know it's not fair to Harry."

" You mean it's not fair to Draco."

"Whatever, let us go into the great hall before anyone hears us talking."

" Fine," and with that, they walked inside.

About a minute after the two girls sat down a Ravenclaw girl that looked like a 6th year walked in. Pansy leaned in and whispered to Draco and Blaise, "Success."

" Good."

↤↤↤↤↤ Time skip ↦↦↦↦↦

The next morning Harry was making his way to his first-class, when Hannah Abbott came up to him, " Hey, Harry is it true that you and Malfoy are engaged?"

" Yeah, where did you hear that?" He asked knowing he was supposed to act clueless.

" I heard a couple of Ravenclaws talking about it."

" Oh, okay well I've got to head to class, see you around."

" Okay, bye Harry!"

By the time that classes had ended Harry had been asked about the rumor at least 20 times. He was glad to reach the Gryffindor common room at the end of the day he quickly made his way up to his dormitory to drop off his bag and take off his robe, leaving him in his trousers, the white button-up, and the school vest. He headed downstairs and played wizard chess with Ron until dinner time rolled around, glad to be able to relax from everyone asking him the same question over and over again. 

A/N  I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading !! Have an amazing Morning/ Afternoon/ Night.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

                                                                                             - Mischievous Writer 

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