349 8 4

Posted: 06/10/22

Words: 953

Hello readers, I hope you enjoy it!!!

*  "In that case would you like to go get some hot 

chocolate with me? Before I freeze to death." *

The golden group — as peers had started calling them — walked through the old wizarding village. Pansy was walking backward Infront of the group — probably a recipe for disaster — " we're allowed to come to the village today and tomorrow, so we need to do everything important today so that we can just have fun tomorrow," she said. Everyone agreed, " on today's agenda, I am taking my lovely girlfriend on a date, while Ron and Blaise go shopping for Ron's suit. Draco and Harry, you do whatever you want but use protection," both boys turn red in color. Everyone snickered at Pansy's joke, " okay as I was saying we will meet at the carriages in the afternoon. " Everyone agreed and four of the friends made their way in different directions, leaving Draco and Harry standing to the side of the walkway in an awkward silence.

Draco cleared his throat, " If you have any errands you need to do by yourself I'll leave you to it."

" No! I mean... I mean I don't have to do anything.

" In that case would you like to go get some hot chocolate with me? Before I freeze to death."

"  You're sooo dramatic, it's not that cold."

" Firstly I am not dramatic, secondly is that a yes?"

" That's a yes, but did you forget about third year?"

" Can't hear you too busy getting hot chocolate!" Draco answered half shouting and laughing as he turned around walking towards the three broomsticks.

" Hey wait up!" Harry yelled after Draco catching up to him.

↤↤↤↤↤ Pansmione ↦↦↦↦↦

After Pansy and Hermione left the group they walked through the village to a flower shop, Pansy told Hermione to wait for her outside. Pansy walked inside and got a bouquet of different colored flowers, she paid and walked out of the shop, she saw Mione was turned, her back facing her. Pansy walked up to her girlfriend and wrapped one arm around her waist, and with the other extended the bouquet in front of Hermione's face. Hermione smiled and pulled Pansy into a kiss, " These are gorgeous!"

" Not as gorgeous as you." Hermione pulled Pansy into another quick kiss, when they parted Pansy smiled, " are you ready to get this date started?"

" Yeah!"

↤↤↤↤↤ Blaron ↦↦↦↦↦

Once they left their friends they went to madam malkin's robe shop ( I know that it's in Diagon alley but just go with it please, thanks) so that she could make Ron's suit. When they walked into the shop she gave them a smile, pulled Ron to a small circle stage, and asked him to take off his hoodie — so that she could get better measurements— Ron looked at Blaise and blushed, but did as told and took his hoodie off. He did not have a shirt under so his muscular body was exposed, Blaise looked him up and down and smirked. After Ron's measurements were done Madam Malkin told them they could come back later for the finished suit. Once they left the shop they decided to go to a small cafe for a sweet snack.

↤↤↤↤↤ Drarry ↦↦↦↦↦

They went to the three broomsticks and ordered two hot chocolates, while they enjoyed their drinks they started playing 20 questions. They both started by asking easy questions and then they went to the more embarrassing ones, it was now Harry's turn he asked Draco, " Who was your first crush?"

Draco thought for a couple of seconds before responding, " probably Lockhart."

" Why him? He was a narcissist lying prat."

" Yes, but he was a good-looking prat," Draco said while chuckling.

Harry laughed along, but then a thought came into his head, " wait, your first crush was a Lockhart? So you like blokes?

Draco glanced at Harry's face wondering what he meant by that, he knew Harry wasn't homophobic because he supported Hermione so he just shrugged and answered, " yeah I'm gay."

" Oh," Harry just looked blankly at Draco.

" Is there something wrong with that?"

" No no it's just that I know we're basically being forced to marry but I didn't know if you liked blokes, I'm not homophobic if that's what your wondering; I'm bisexual by the way."

" I didn't know that, it's my turn."

The game continued after a while they decided to walk through the village and get some Honeydukes, while they walked their hands threaten to touch. They walked by a quidditch supply store and stopped to look at the window display, there were new dragon hide gloves being displayed. Both boys needed new gloves so they walked in they looked around both boys pointing out cool things they saw when they reached the register a small argument arose over who was paying. Draco had offered to pay but Harry had insisted he would as Draco had already paid for the drinks. After some debating, Draco surrendered and allowed Harry to pay, they spent the rest of the day in each other's company talking and laughing overall having an amazing time; when it was time to head back to Hogwarts they met up with their friends by the carriages liked they had agreed.

A/N Hello lovely readers, thank you for reading!!! I am sorry I haven't been able to update I have not had any motivation to write, but now I'm on summer break so I will start updating more frequently. Feel free to leave feedback or comment on anything... Siriusly I have nothing to do with my time. Have a good day/afternoon/ night 💗💗

- Leo the mischievous writer. 

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