653 19 8

Posted: 1/7/2022

Words: 937

                                                Hello, Readers hope you enjoy it!!

                                     " Oh, okay I guess we're alone," Awkward.

It had been almost a week since the two trios had made the truce, many rumors were flying through the corridors of Hogwarts. Especially about the golden ring around the Gryffindor golden boy's ring finger. One of the craziest rumors involved Pansy and Harry being engaged, forcing their friends to become friends as well. When Harry had first heard of the rumor he had almost choked while laughing so much. It was a nice warm morning and Harry made his way to the great hall for breakfast. Neville was behind Harry so he joined him on his way to the great hall, Neville like many others had heard the rumors. He was incredibly curious about it so he decided to ask, " uhm Harry are the uhm rumors about you and Parkinson true?"

" No, not completely."

" What do you mean " completely " ?"

" You will find out soon." He didn't want to explain to Neville what was happening right at that moment, also he and Mal- Draco hadn't discussed how they were going to tell the school or at least their friends. Or at least Harry's friends, did Draco have friends besides Pansy and Blaise? They walked the rest of the way in silence, it was a silence that wasn't completely awkward but there was a bit of weirdness lingering in the air between the two friends. Harry ate his breakfast and headed to the dungeon for potions class with the Slytherins. Hermione, Ron, and Harry all sat down together at the back of the room, so they could keep out of trouble with snape. ( Snape doesn't hate Harry because of Regulus and him being school friends but he is still a bit mean/ stricter with him than with everyone else.) Snape walked in and started the day's lesson immediately, he finished telling everyone how to brew the potion they were making before splitting them into groups of two. Ron got paired with Blaise, Hermione got paired with Pansy, leading to Harry and Draco being paired together. Harry made his way to where Draco was sitting, " Hello Malfoy."

" What happened to using our first name, Harry."

Harry couldn't ignore the weird sensation in his stomach, when Draco said his name, " Oh yeah sorry Draco force of habit."

They started to make the potion, Harry gathered all the ingredients while Draco placed the cauldron on the flames. Draco took the lead knowing Harry would probably ruin the potion earning them a poor grade.

Harry and Draco finished their potion while continuing to be civil. Shocking many students around them including Snape, who was surprised by them not breaking out into a fight and even more impressed that the potion was decent. While brewing the potion they decided to meet in the room of requirements to discuss more about the contract. Harry's day went on smoothly, after dinner he made his way to the room of requirements. Hermione had gone to the library to study and Ron had gone to do his homework. So now he was alone at the door of the room of requirements, he stepped in and saw Draco sitting on a sofa, " are you always late?"

No, the bloody staircase kept moving."

" Very well where are Wea- Ron and Hermione?"

" Doing schoolwork and mione is studying, what about Pansy and Blaise?"

" Some Hufflepuff's birthday party."

" Oh, okay I guess we're alone," Awkward.

" Uhm yeah, in class you said you wanted to talk."

" Yeah, there are many rumors going around about everything."

" I heard them, some are rather amusing."

" Did you hear the one of Pansy and I being engaged?"

" Yes, Pansy told me, we couldn't stop laughing."

" Many people are wondering and asking questions, I never know how to respond."

" You're right, we need to figure something out."

" What do you suggest?"

Draco thought for a couple minutes before saying," We could get Hermione, Ron, Pansy, and Blaise to spread a rumor that is correct, the whole school would be talking about it in less than a day, all we have to do is confirm them. Everyone would know, it makes our lives easier."

Brilliant sighs dramatically I can't believe I am saying this but your not as dumb as I thought."

Draco rolled his eyes before putting on a very confused appearance " Is that supposed to be some kind of compliment?"

Harry shrugged, " Whatever you like it to be."

" Okay, anything else."

No, I have to go though I have to complete the potion essay, I am going to ask Mione for help."

" Oh okay, well if you like I can help you."

" Really?"

" Yeah, you need a lot of help with potion you almost ruined our potion today."

" I did not."

" Yes, you did. I don't plan on staying here and arguing with you as if you were a child, so do you want help or not?"

" I do."

" Good, let's start."

Draco helped Harry with his essay, both boys even though they were being civil they were still a bit cold and distant to each other. Even though both boys couldn't deny the shiver up their spines and the queasy sensation in the pit of their stomachs when their fingers had accidentally brushed against each other.

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading!! Have an amazing day/ afternoon/ night.

                                                                              - Mischievous Writer 

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