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Lauren's POV
It makes me so happy that I escaped a future of bandless life. But yet, it makes me feel so bad that I left my friends with Humpty and Dumpty (Anna and Clair). At least my best friend conveniently moved to Detroit with me. I still can't believe that. I bet all the band kids are in pain and agony. I saw the demolishing of the band building on the internet. I almost cried (I lied, I totally did cry.
I bet Jerad is upset that he only got to play his tuba at the middle school for three weeks. I wonder how everyone else is handling it.

Sarah's POV
I locked myself in my room all summer and played clarinet all day. I've started my bandless depression along with everyone else. When me and Lauren said goodbye, I told her to pray for me. When I told Mason goodbye, I told him to keep dreaming because it probably will never happen (you know what I'm talking about). Who knows, maybe the school board will realize that they're complete idiots for listening to that scumbag of a principal. They probably won't, but I can dream right?

Jade's POV
I know everyone is all sad and depressed about this (I'm one of those things), but I'm not going to take it anymore. Some people are going to get a taste of their own medicine. I'm not going to sit around and let the district treat us like a bunch of marionettes. Something's coming their way, and it will bit them in the but when it gets to them.

Jerad's POV
This hurts, yes. I'm mad at the exact same time. But I've only been here a few weeks and it mortifies me that I didn't get the experience that I was expecting from this school. And I plan to get it.
On a positive note, I made a new friend. As you were expecting, it's Jade. I'm totally on her side. Yes it's devastating, but we're not going down without a fight.
If you're wondering
1) I had no secret spilled about me (perks of being an open book).
2)Anna and Clair still follow me everywhere. It's pretty creepy and annoying at the same time.

Zach's POV
I think we need to band together on this one. I suggested we tie ourselves to the band building, but NO. The others said it was "dangerous" and "might get us killed." I don't know what else to do at this point. I can't join football because all the jocks hate me. Choir and Drama are definitely not options. I miss Lauren and Mason. They were the smart ones. Okay, Lauren is the smart one. I honestly don't know who the smart one is anymore.

Jordan's POV
Ever since I saw the building smashed by a wrecking ball, my brain kept on tricking itself into thinking it's all a dream. I was expect my trombone to fly me to a magical can't land where people like Anna and Clair don't exist. Don't judge me. It turns out that Anna was just bluffing. She only spilled Lauren and Mason's secrets. Okay, Lauren's was a secret. Mason's secret was just not saying the actual thing verbally and expressing it through physical actions. The bigger news, I'm switching to homeschooling. My mom didn't want me in that type of environment and frankly, I agree with her. A school without band is a school I don't want to go to. Plus we do t have enough money to switch me to a different school, so there was no other option. I still have my trombone. That's all I need.

Jason's POV
I've given up. It's pretty self explanatory. It also sucks because I left my French Horn in the building as the choir students happily watched the wrecking ball tear my dreams apart. I watched the demolition with Sarah, Jordan, and Jerad. Zach and Jade couldn't bare to watch. I don't blame them. They probably saw the video posted on the internet posted by Anna. I'm telling you, she's the devil in disguise.

Author's Note
Well well well. Some are extremely depressed, others are plotting revenge. There are some you won't hear from a lot or at all. Keep reading.
Wait wait hold up!
Where's Mason? ;)

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