Chapter 5

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Zach's POV

I already heard the ordeal about Mason, it doesn't need to be explained to me. This situation is completely different.

Me and Jason were hanging out at that bakery Lauren and Mason used to go to. We sat at the exact same table they sat at. We were talking about some video we saw on the internet. Then for some reason, the subject of Jordan came up.As you know, she's home-schooled. But I have a sneaky suspicion that's not where she actually is. Jason has texted her about ten times and no answer.

"Where do you think Jordan might be if she's not being home-schooled?" Jason said with the slightest bit of sarcasm.

"Seriously dude, I think she's not at home." I said unjokingly.

"Where do you suppose she is then, an insane asylum?"

"She could be, you never know."

"What are you going to do about it?" he said with more sarcasm.

I thought for a minute. That was a good point. But I desperately need to know.

"We have to get Sarah." I responded after my minute of thinking.

"Why her?" he childishly whined.

"Because she's the least insane out of all of us. Plus, she knows Jordan better than all of us."


We finished up our coffee cake and juice then we headed to Sarah's house. We didn't have to be driven because her house was literally ten minutes away. I've been to her house a few times. It's pretty neat for the most part. I'm impressed since that house is about the same size as my house's gardening shed.

We finally arrived at her house. I already could see Sarah with her ocean blue hair. She was sitting on the porch reading a book.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah asked.

"Do you have any idea where Jordan is?" I said getting straight to the point.

She started to run. I have a feeling she knows something we don't. She ran into her house and locked herself in her room. I kept on banging on the door so hard that it was about to bust down.

"Sarah, let us in!" I screamed.

"Jordan told me not to tell you!" she yelled back.

"Tell us what?" Jason asked yelling.

I heard a click come from the door. I assume she unlocked it.

"Come in," she said. "I have a lot of explaining to do."

She finally let us in her broken down room.

"Let me just get to the the point," she sighed. "Jordan is in a mental hospital."

"What?! How?" I surprisingly said.

"Ever since band was completely removed, she went completely insane. She wouldn't call me back for days on end because she was in a ball rocking in the corner of her bedroom for days. Not eating. Not sleeping. Not going outside. That's why she dropped out of school."

"I wouldn't expect this out of her. She was usually such a strong and happy person."

"Well, she wasn't always a happy person."

"What do you mean?" Jason asked.

She sighed once more.

"Before band, she had a very abusive home life. I'm not going to go into too much detail because it was really terrible. But what I am going to say is, her parents never gave her a bed. She slept in a closet in the hallway. She wouldn't be fed for days on end because her parents wanted to watch her suffer. That's all I'm going to say.That's why she lives with her grandmother."

"Oh my gosh." I gasped in horror.

"Well I guess that depressing feeling relapsed. Because one day, she decided to crawl up on the roof and wouldn't come down. The neighbor called the police and they decided to send her to a mental hospital."

"I guess we need to make a trip to the mental institution."

Sarah yelled for her mom. She said we could as long as we could stop for ice cream.

Jordan has gone mentally insane. It's not really much of a surprise now that her background has been explained.

The True Life of a Performing Arts Student (#2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt