Chapter 1

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Jerad's POV

Seeing the fake smiles from all the band kids are not fooling me. We all know deep inside we just want to stay home and play our instruments until we pass out. Even though Jason doesn't have an instrument to play. The good thing is that i have absolutely no classes with Anna or Clair and have all my classes with Jade. Even though Anna and Clair stalk me at lunch still.

Me and Jade were sitting at lunch. Me eating my taco and Jade eating her ceaser salad. We were talking about how Clair got the lead in the school production of The Wizard of Oz. An iguana has better acting skills than her (that's an understatement). We were sitting at the back of the table where the island of misfit band kids sit. Jason was drawing some random doodles like he always does. Sarah was playing with her dyed blue hair. Zach was, being Zach. Jade was drawing Clair, Anna, and our former principal falling off a cliff into some angry crocodiles where the water was replaced with lava. Such creativity.

Not only we miss Lauren, but we miss Jordan. She was the positive one. Then out of nowhere she just leaves us like this? I don't blame her.

We usually get banana peels thrown at us at lunch time. I'm pretty sure someone threw a turkey sandwich at my head once. I hate people.

Anna walked up to us like she usually does once a week. All she said was that we were failures and how it was Lauren's fault that band got removed. Then Jade usually curses her out then she leaves. She usually leaves to tell one of the lunch aids then Jade goes to the office. Jade stopped caring the second time she went down.

But this time Clair came with her.

"Did you guys finally throw away your metal pieces of garbage?" she said with a nasty tone.

"I don't know, can you go back to the deep pit of evil where you belong?" Sarah unhappily said.

"For the record, my instrument was destroyed by a wrecking ball." Jason said VERY unhappily.

"Oh no, let's throw a funeral for your woodwind piece of trash." Anna said like a smart aleck.

The funny thing is, we actually did. It's buried underground where the old building was. In stone it reads: "Rest in pieces, Jason's french horn. Also lies Jason's soul. He still has his ego though." We had to throw some humor in there.

They went on and on about how each and everyone of our instruments are all pieces of junk. The funny thing is that they were talking stuff about there own instruments.

Jade got fed up, so she threw a banana peel at Anna and shoved a turkey sandwich in Clair's throat so she'd shut up. Usually they'd walk away like the cowards they are, but they didn't move. They gave each other weird looks then went back to their table.

We continued our conversation that soon turned into talking about the new Pokemon that is coming soon. Then they came back and looked a lot more evil. But with something that we thought went to Michigan but somehow stayed here in Illinois.

Lauren's journal.

"Where did you get that," I said wide-eyed. "I thought that went to Detroit in Lauren's hands."

"Well you thought wrong, idiots," Anna deviously said. "She dropped it while boarding the bus.

Jason began writing a message directed to Lauren. As he was writing the message, he received a message from an unknown number. He had no time to look at it due to it somehow falling into Clair's grasp.

"Sir," she began calling a lunch aid. "Jason was on his phone. He was texting Zach."

"WHAT?!" Zach yelped falling out of his state of slump.

"Zach doesn't even have a phone." I yelled, but the idiot just ignored me.

"Jason, you can keep your phone," he began. "But don't let me see you with ot again."

He made Anna give it back. The it got snatched away again by Clair.

"Oh look, it's an unknown number. Maybe if we're lucky it will be a person to take you guys back to where you came from."

"Clair, we've been brought down enough," Zach began. "Don't make us more depressed than we already are."

"Stop sobbing. Just because your precious class is gone, doesn't mean you have to blame us."

We gave them that look. That look where we're all thinking "are you flipping kidding me?"

They just gave up on us. They gave Jason's phone back then went back to the table with the five minutes of lunch we had left. Jason was finally able to look at the message. It was a random number like Clair had said. But what it said was what really intrigued us.



Author's Note

Get ready for some really juicy stuff.

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