Chapter 9

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Jordan's POV

"She's really fast," Zach panicked. "Why would she just run away like that?"

"Maybe it's because she saw your face." A very familiar voice said behind me.

I knew that snarky comment from anywhere. It was the devil's descendant herself.

"Are you having fun stalking us?" I said.

"Who would want to," she snapped. "Even the red headed freak ran away from you. That's saying something."

"Strike one." Jason interrupted. "Say two more insults, I'll-"

"You'll what? Chase me into a bowl of macaroni and cheese like Lauren did."

We started cracking up. She did not look amused.

"Wipe those smirks off your faces," she yelled. "You should be happy I didn't already hurt you for that."

I started actually thinking. She might have something to do with Lauren's disappearance. As they were arguing, I interrupted. She was already at strike ten.


Everyone was finally silent.

"If we want to find Lauren, we should just shut up and start looking. Calling each other names is getting us nowhere."

"Where could she possibly be," Jason argued. "She could be anywhere."

"Yeah, I agree." Mason budded. "We should start looking for Larry!"

That was the first time Mason actually agreed with me. Most of the time Mason just wanted to punch me in the face. Don't know why.

"As for you," I said directing my attention to Clair. "Get away from us, or when Lauren is found, you'll be seeing stars."

"I don't know," Clair said. "She didn't look very energetic after Anna socked her in the head."

"She's already been beat up most of her life. Maybe that sock in the head was the last straw for her." Zach said.

"What are you implying?" Sarah nervously said.

"I'm saying that she-"

BOOM! The rain started to pour down like a monsoon. Thankfully we were close to Zach's house. I never wanted to go into that guy's house but at this point I had no choice.

We walked into that humongous house for shelter from the rain. We locked Clair out. I didn't wanna deal with her. I already feel insane enough, I don't need her to add to it.
"Anybody have signal in here?" Jason asked.
"I do." Mason yelled. It seems he's getting some of his sanity back.
"Mason, can we use your phone?"
"Sure." He replied.
Jason grabbed handle of Mason's phone.
"Dang it!" Jason yelled.
"What?" I responded.
"Lauren's number is still blocked."
"Well, unblock it."
"I need a pass code."
I knew his pass code by heart. It's Lauren's birthday. 1127. I unblocked her number and started texting. The rain finally stopped, so we could go out now. But Clair is out there. Ugh.
"Why'd you lock me out?" Clair angrily asked.
"Why not?" I said in response. "You've tortured us enough, why torture us even more?"
"You deserved it."
I've had it. Time for my inner insanity to come out.
"Guys," I said looking back at the rest I the group. "Can you give us a moment?"
I slammed the door behind me and looked her dead in the eye.
"Listen to me," I sternly growled. "Because of you, all of our lives have been ruined. You took away all our happiness. Lauren ran away somewhere and I have a feeling she's gonna do something she's going to regret."
"You mean another thing she is going to regret." Clair smartly said.
"Would you shut up for just a minute and listen to me?! We have no happiness anymore and-" I paused at the sight of something.
"What's that?" I questioned while look at Clair's pocket in her jeans.
"What?" She nervously spoke.
Oh my flipping goodness. It was Lauren's smartphone. I grabbed it out of her pocket.
"Where'd you get this?" I screamed.
"It fell out of her pocket as we were beating her up." She responded.
"THANKS TO YOU WE HAVE NO IDEA WHERE SHE IS!" I just completely lost it.
"Who cares?"
"WHO CARES?! She could be dead and we wouldn't know it because you had her phone."
Jason's POV
I have no idea what's going on out there, and frankly I don't wanna get in the middle of it. My attention was drawn to Mason for some reason. He was pulling out a wrinkly piece of folded lined paper from his pocket.
"Uh, everyone. I think I found something might help us find Larry." Mason interrupted in the middle of all the madness.
"What is it?" I anxiously jumped.
I snatched the letter from his hands. It read:
Dear Mason,
I know you may be chewing on a spork at this moment and not reading this, but I'll write it anyway. Since you don't remember who I am, I have no use in trying to bring you back. I see no use in even standing next to you if you have no idea who I am. So that's why I'm writing this letter. If you ever remember me, come back to our old hangout. If your memory does not come back within the next three days, I'm just going to give up completely. On everything. Hope to see you soon.
-Lauren <3

Oh my gosh.
"Uh, Jordan. Come out here!" I yelled in nervousness. She opened the door, from the looks of it, Jordan won.
"What do you need?" She said.
As her eyes scrolled down the paper, her eyes got wider and wider.
"Let's go." She quickly said.
Author's Note
Oooooohhhh Myyyyyyy Goooosssshhhh.
Thanks for reading this far! :)

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