Chapter 6

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Sarah's POV

We finally were actually on our way to the mental institution after my mom got ice cream. I've never said that sentence in my life. I think we all thought Lauren would be the first to end up there (no offense, but she's sort of a nut case). I guess Jordan was bound to end up there at some point due to her depressing past.

"I still can't believe this," Jason anxiously said. "I thought Lauren would be the first to end up here."

Told you.

"Well it happened," Zach interrupted. "This doesn't go along well with Mason going mindless."

"He's not that mindless."

"Sarah showed me the picture that Lauren sent her."

We finally arrived at the mental hospital where Jordan was staying. When we walked in the aroma of soap and rubbing alcohol filled the air. A guy was laughing at a blank television screen while a girl was frantically biting her nails. I was sort of afraid to go in there because I was afraid someone was going to bite me.

The elevator dinged. I never told Jordan I was coming with people. But I told her that I was coming alone. She's in for a pleasant surprise. Or not. She walked out of the elevator holding the hand of a female nurse. Her eyes widened more than they already were when she saw that Zach and Jason were with me. Face was red with anger. She was growling like a dog.

"Sarah," she yelped. "Can I talk to you alone like you were supposed to be in the first place?!"

We walked in the corner where no one was rocking.

"Why did you bring them?!" She quietly screamed.

"We need you for something." I said normally quiet.

"Why is that?"

"Long story short, Mason was hit with a wrecking ball and has no idea that Lauren exists."

"How is this my problem?"

"Because he'll forget about all of us soon if we don't do something about it." I said now at her level of volume.

She was thinking for a minute. Then something must have changed her mind. She grabbed the bag she was carrying with her and pulled out some normal clothes.

"Give me a second." she said normally.

Me, Zach and Jason entertained ourselves by watching the TV guy again who was still laughing at the blank TV. Right when she got out of the bathroom, her face was filled with determination and a lot less mental insanity. We walked towards the front desk and wanted to sign out. The lady typed a few keys on her keyboard then said something we did not want to hear.

"Well," she started saying. "Due to Ms. Monere's last mental check-up, her stability is not up to the point where she can go and see people and be in public."

"My last mental check-up was when I first entered here a month ago when I was so unstable I was shaking."

"No, that was your last one which was two days ago."


"Sweetie, if your in here, your unstable and can't see anyone. Now sit and eat your oatmeal."

Jordan looked like a stubborn child wanting a piece of candy at the grocery store. But her face slowly changed as she was mixing up her oatmeal that looked like it was already digested. My mom's cooking looks better than that (and that's saying a lot).

"I have an idea," Zach started to say. "How about we-"

"If this is anything like your 'tie ourselves to the building' idea, I don't want to hear it." I interrupted.

He quickly shut up right after I said that..

"I have something even better." Jordan said with that look. That look that we're going to something that's probably illegal. I see that look from Lauren all the time. Long story. She grabbed her bowl of oatmeal and stuck her hand in it. Then shove her fingers in Jason's mouth (never thought I would say that sentence). Next she spilled her oatmeal on the floor.


Jason started moaning and groaning as if he were actually sick. After ten seconds the computer nurse stood up and started comforting the "sick" Jason. Then Jordan did something I'd never see the sweet and nice Jordan would do. As soon as the nurse got within arms reach of her, the oatmeal bowl turned into her new hat. The oatmeal was blocking her vision, so we made a run for it. Everyone in the room started clapping.

Jordan has really gone insane. I love it.

The True Life of a Performing Arts Student (#2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें