Chapter 2

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Lauren's POV

Life has definitely changed ever since I left. No oboe or flute player has tried to murder me. The principal isn't a total scumbag. Most surprising, people actually appreciate my participation in school. It's just music followed by a few academics, and it's heaven. 

I'm first chair. I automatically got first chair. All I did was play my half of the duet we played for solo and ensemble, and they were amazed. I think one of them passed out. They respect me. They care about me. I've never been happier. But something seems off. Mason hasn't been here since class started. Maybe he's just homesick. Oh well.

Ironic to being anti-social, I've actually made some new friends. They're not going to replace the others though. The first one's a percussionist named Jocelyn. She's basically the equivalent of Sarah, minus Sarah's blue hair. The next friend I made was basically me as a guy. His name is Eric, and he's the first male flute player I've ever seen. He's second chair, but it seems like he actually should be first. He will NEVER replace Mason though. Lastly, is the more egotistical one of the group. Joseph plays bassoon. He has the personality of Zach, idiotic yet can be kind of sweet at some moments. Just like I am with Zach, he's alright. 

Okay, let's get back to reality here. I'm still Lauren. There's a downside to this as well. I miss everyone back in Illinois. Some more than others. Some not at all. I prefer to not say their names at this moment. 

Something's was out of the norm when we got to Detroit. Mason wasn't acknowledging me over text like he usually does. It was only one worded messages. I have a feeling his mom got a hold of his phone. But weirdly he was acknowledging everyone else (Jason, Jade, Sarah, Jordan and Jerad). Is he mad at me? I didn't do anything. But lately has been REALLY odd. He hasn't been responding back at all. I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

Me and Jade made a plan called Operation Where the Heck is Mason.

It turns out that Jerad is some sort of tech geek and can track people's phones. This is creepy but awesome at the same time.

Jerad's mom was able to pick me up from my school after they let out. Jade was in the car with them. Her and Jerad have been spending a lot of time together lately. Did I miss something?

"Lauren, what'd you do?" Jade asked as soon as I got in the car.

"I didn't do anything!" I firmly said with the slightest bit of attitude. "At first it was small messages, now it's no messages at all."

"I think his mom got a hold of his phone," Jerad budded in. "You even told me his mom doesn't like you."

"It was one time!" I growled. I don't want to talk about it.

"LISTEN," Jade yelled stopping the argument. "Whether his mom likes you or not, something is up and we've got to get to the bottom of this."

After a few more hours of pointless arguments that almost led to a few fist fights, we finally pulled into Jerad's house.

His house is about as big as my garage. I don't have a big garage. Jerad's room was probably the biggest room in the house. His room was filled with tech stuff with last year's sheet music scattered all over the floor with the stand in the corner. It was a palace compared to my room.

He basically flew into his rolling chair and fired up his Mac Book on top of his desk. Besides the pile of finished homework, there were a few frames with interesting pictures in it. The first one was him and Jade at the dance. Hmmm. The next had him, Jade (before she left), Sarah, Zach, and Jason all standing in front of the band building before it was smashed into a billion pieces. I noticed a blurred out mysterious figure running toward the building in the back.

Jerad was pulling up some weird tech stuff that I didn't understand. I barely even know how to work my own phone. He typed up Mason's phone number which I know by heart.

"When did he start doing this?" Jerad asked breaking the silence.

"Right after the band building was smashed." I said very worried.

"He's your best friend," Jade added. "Why would he start doing this to you?"

"C'mon Lauren, what'd you do?" Jerad smartly said.

"NOTHING!" I yelled.

His computer finally showed something useful.

"Well, it looks like he's still in Illinois."

"Any specifics?"

"Give me a second..." Jerad said fiercely.

"Well at least he's not where I thought he was." Jade said.

"Where'd you think he was?" I asked.


Me and Jerad gave her the death stare.

Moire stuff popped up on the computer. At first it was a bunch of numbers and letters jumbled into one code. Then more stuff popped up. He's only ten minutes away from the city.

"Zoom in closer." Jade demanded.

He did, and it led to a place where no one should be, not even Anna or Clair. Dang it, I just said their names. Mason was at the local hospital. Jerad was able to look at his recent messages besides the ones from his mom.

The last message was sent to me the day before the smashing. It read "I left something at the locker room. I'll pick it up tomorrow." I don't remember getting that message.

We all looked at the framed photo that also happened to be his desktop.

He started zooming in on the blurred figure to where he couldn't zoom in anymore. Then we had to ask Jerad's mom for another ride.

Time to pay a visit to the hospital.

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