Chapter 7

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Lauren's POV

I have no idea what happened with Jerad and Jade. Jade looked just as surprised as I was. That's about as much as I want to go into that.

I'm just as impatient as when I'm at the grocery store with my mom. If that little you know what says one more smart remark she's going out the window. I've already tried about three times. Oh, Anna and Clair? I'm going to kick their butts. Mason knew when the smashing was, why would he go to get his baritone that day? I know he's not the smartest person ever, but he's smart enough to not do that. Something fishy is going on.

Where was I, oh yeah. We ran into the spawns of the devil. For once, they didn't have stupid looks on their faces. Well, not as stupid. They actually looked quite nervous. The same look Mason's mom had on her face right before I almost threw her out the window the third time.

"What are you doing here," Anna said very snarky. "Aren't you supposed to be at your stupid music school?"

"First of all, don't call my school stupid," I snapped. "Next, Mason is clueless."

They were silent.

"More clueless than usual."

"What are YOU doing here?" Jade asked.

"Uh..." Clair hesitated. "We came to see him too."

"HA! Now tell us the truth."


"Do I have to throw you guys out a window too?" I yelled. Mason's mom scooted to the corner where uncomfortable Jerad was standing (still confused about that).

"You don't have to know why we're here," Clair snickered. "It's none of your business."

We finally got to the lobby. Everyone with the exception of Mason walked out. He still had a spork in his mouth. By the way, I'm reteaching him his knowledge of music. But for that to happen he has to know my name. He's been calling me window girl.

We kept on bickering when we got to the lobby.

"I'm telling you, we came here to see Mason." Clair claimed.

"Why would you come here to see him," I yelled. "You've hated him since second grade when-"

"You speak of it I'm going to knock you in the face."

"Clair," Anna airheadedly said. "We're here because we texted him the wrong day of the smashing-"


I stopped for a moment.

"Hand me his phone." I calmly said reaching my hand out to his mom.

"But I-" she said.

"Give me, THE PHONE."

She tossed the phone to me because she was afraid to even touch me. Don't blame her. I entered his pass code (it's my birthday). Went to messages, and saw an unknown number saying the wrong date of the smashing. I got an insane look on my face. They started backing up, and that's when it all went down.

"You have a three second headstart." I insanely said.

"What?" Clair asked.


"What are you talking about?" Anna nervously yelped.


"Stop you're freaking me out."


That's when the chase started. The rest went after me trying to grab my shoulders to hold me back. We ran all the way across the lobby to the cafeteria and all the way through the kitchen before they were able to hold me back. I found it hilarious when Anna got a face full of spaghetti. Clair fell face first into broccoli casserole. I laughed really freaking hard. Then they got there revenge as soon as they fixed their hair and make up.

"That's it, James." Clair said like a demon. "Time for your three years of payback."

"BRING IT ON!" I yelled as I got out of Jade's grasp.

She threw the first punch. It was at my glasses, and they shattered to the ground. That was the smartest thing could've done in this situation. I'm basically blind without my glasses. The "fight" kind of ended when I went to the ground to pick them up, then they kicked me and beat me to the ground. I was bruised. That was my lowest point so far. I was actually defeated by Anna and Clair.

I couldn't really tell what was going on. All I know was that they walked away, and I was carried away by a few nurses who put me in wheelchair. My leg was in so much pain in agony that I couldn't even move. But someone who I wasn't expecting walked through the front door. It was Sarah, Jason, Jordan, and Zach.

When Jerad gave me back my shattered glasses, I saw oatmeal dripping from Jason's chin.

"Long story." Jason breathed. "All I'm saying is we broke Jordan out of a mental hospital."

"Jordan," Mason mumbled "Jason, Zach, Sarah? What are you doing here?"

"OH COME ON!" I yelled with sarcasm.

I still can't believe I've been defeated by idiots.

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