Chapter 12

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Mason's POV

I know it's going to be a long way until I get to her, but I need to stop her, whatever it takes. I'm her friend and I don't want her to do something stupid and she'll regret. If I can stop her one time, I can stop her again. I have had to do this before, just in a different fashion. I have the letter in my pocket and I know exactly where she wants me to go. I have ten hours left. It's been sixteen since I left.

As I was running to the bakery, something hit me. Something literally hit me. Since Chicago is the windy city, a lot of things have flown in my face. But this time was different. I person actually physically ran into me. It was someone I did not want to see. Not Clair. Not Anna. Not Jocelyn. It was my mom.

"Why are you here?" I snapped.

"Mason, I've been looking all over for you." She cried as she hugged me. "Where have you been?"

"First of all, don't hug me. I'm really unhappy with you. Next, why did you not tell me immediately who Lauren was at that moment?"

"She's just not a good influence. Plus, I want you to focus more on your baritone."

"So you'd rather me be a famous musician than have people who care about me?"

"That's what family's for honey."

"The family doesn't care about me. They only care if I get rich and famous so they can take all my money. The only person who genuinely cared about me was my dad. But he's not around anymore due to your selfishness and idiocy. You should've taken care of his cancer instead of going to the mall and hanging out with your stupid friends."

"That's not the point. Hanging out with that person is only going to decrease your chances of having a better life. She's not that great of a flute player anyway."

"Are you even listening to anything I'm saying right now? Because of you, she's going to try to take her own life. I'm her friend and it's my job to be there for her and stop her from doing that stuff."

"Let's go home and we can talk about it over hot chocola-"

"I don't want to talk to you anymore. I have to help her due to your selfish acts. Not the first time I had to do that."

I stormed off and continued to run with the exception of a few breaks. It kills me that it's driven her to this point. I have about six hours left. I might just barely make it.

There are reasons why she is the way she is. She doesn't know this, but I've read her journal before. From beginning to end. In the beginning she was this happy second grader. Even though it seemed she was happy, her parents fought so much. I even saw a thing where she said that I was being annoying. Zach was her best friend at the time. She isn't here to explain it, so I'll do it.

Her real dad left when she was born to protect her. He left so they could give her the best life possible. Then her stepdad came along when she was two. She thought that was her actual dad. For four years, her mom and her stepdad got along perfectly. But that last year, things were going downhill. Her stepdad grew alcoholic. That got really rough. But the actual reason why they divorced was extremely horrifying. One day, when her drunken stepdad was with eight year old Lauren and her mom was at the grocery store, Lauren did something to make him mad. He tried to strangle her and almost killed her. Her mom got home just in time and stopped him before it was too late. Right then and there she called the police and he was taken away and they divorced immediately. That was the hidden story behind Lauren. Then Zach being a jerk to her in fifth grade just made it worse. Funny thing is I was the only person she told that story to. A whole bunch of little things did some damage too but that would take way too long.

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