Chapter 3

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Jade's POV

"I really hope he's just visiting a relative." Lauren nervously said.

She has said that about ten times since we got in the car. It's only about a ten minute drive from here to the local hospital. She must be really worried about him.

"Lauren calm down," I calmly said. "You're starting to have an anxiety attack."

"Telling me to calm down isn't going to help me calm down."

"Here, just listen to some music." Jerad said as he plugged his MP3 into the car. This has happened way too many times. Lauren freaking out about something. I usually put on her favorite piece of band music. It usually calms her down. Or it only calms her down for a minute then she goes back to patting me on the head. Pick or choose.

After ten minutes of endless tension in the car, we finally got to the hospital. The parking lot was full. I guess it's been a bad week of people ending up in the hospital.

We walked in the doors of the crowded hospital. I've never liked the smell of hospitals. The smell is a mixture of our school's cafeteria and the guy's locker room. It's absolutely terrible. Don't ask me how I know how the guy's locker room smells like. It's a long story I don't have time for and really don't want to tell.

"We'd like to see Mason Theleck please." Jerad's mom sweetly spoke. The counter lady gave us our passes and led us to the elevator. She really didn't lead us to the elevator. She just pointed without her eyes leaving the computer.

I have a feeling this is going to make Lauren have a full fledged panic attack (not to mention her fear of heights). I made a bet with Jerad earlier about this. I feel like Mason is on the verge of death. But yet again, I'm not the most positive person ever. So he's probably fine.

Of all floors, he was on the top floor. I could barely breath it was so high. We walked down this hallway that felt like it was going on forever. I was holding Lauren and Jerad's hands. Lauren because she looked she was about to pass out. Jerad because he randomly started holding my hand earlier and I didn't want to be rude.

We finally got to the room at the very end of the hallway. Lauren wouldn't move. Jerad was floating off in his own thoughts. I felt like a mother with her two children. So I took the initiative of opening the door.

That was a bad idea. Because he was sitting in a hospital bed half conscious playing with a spork. I have no idea where the spork came from. Yet again, Lauren nearly passed out. Jerad just stood there, standing. And Mason, well, you know. Sitting barely conscious gnawing on a spork.

"Jerad, Jade," Mason said as he took the spork out of his mouth. "What are you doing here?"

"More importantly, what are you doing here?" I asked.

He was looking at Lauren. And not the usual looks he gives her.

"Well," he started. "I was in some random building, I went to grab whatever the heck I was grabbing, then the last thing I remember is something falling on top of me."

The only reason why Lauren wasn't speaking was because she was having a silent panic attack. I slipped Jerad twenty bucks.

The doctor finally walked in. He was on the heavier side. He also had a weird looking mustache. Had a voice of rasp and deepness.

"Mr. Theleck has amnesia," he said. "And from the looks of it, he's been forgetting a couple each and everyday. That includes forgetting how to use a spork." He was still enjoying the taste of that spork.

"How is he physically?" I asked.

"Physically, he has a broken and arm and a fractured knee."

"When will he come home?" Jerad interrupted.

"We're hoping to get him home next week at the latest."

After he left the room, an awkward silence came in. Good thing someone's MP3 was playing music or else it would've been super awkward. After ten minutes of awkwardness, Mason said something that intrigued all of us.

"Who are you?" he said pointing at Lauren while chewing on more plastic silverware.

We all got wide eyed, Lauren especially. Mason's mom finally looked from her phone.

"But how was he able to text me if he had no idea who I was even after the smashing?" Lauren said short of breath.

Mason's mom started laughing nervously. We all looked at her as if we were about to commit homicide. We were seriously considering it. But I don't think that would be appropriate in a hospital. Stupid hospital.

"About that..." she nervously chuckled as she put her hand behind her head. "I've been acting as Mason for that point in time."

Too bad I didn't have my tuba. Because it would be acting as her new hat right now.

"Sorry?" she squealed.

Lauren just completely lost it.

"SORRY?!" Lauren screamed. "I truly thought something was wrong when he sent short-lived messages. YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME HE'S IN THE HOSPITAL NOT KNOWING WHO IN SAM HECK I AM!!!!"

"I don't appreciate that tone."

"Excuse me. If your best friend in the whole entire world was in the hospital and you didn't know until you saw it for yourself, you would be using this tone too!"

They continued on like this for ten minutes. Mason was mad because he ran out of sporks. I was freaking out. Jerad was off in La La Land again. Thankfully, some nurses broke up the soon to be fist fight.

"ENOUGH!" the doctor yelled as he walked in. "Ms, let his mother finish before you beat her face in."

"Thank you," she snipped. "What I was trying to say was that he knew exactly who you were right when he woke up, and he wanted to text you. But a couple minutes later when he picked up his phone, he had no idea who you were. So I just told him you were just some weird girl that you shouldn't be friends with..." Perhaps she had said too much.

Lauren's face grew redder and redder each millisecond. Before I knew it, she slammed her fist into the wall. Me and Jerad left for the cafeteria before we could be used as door rams.

The True Life of a Performing Arts Student (#2)Where stories live. Discover now