Chapter 11

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Mason's POV

I have no idea why I have a spork in my mouth or how my shirt is on backwards, but I'm not digging it. There's just one person I'm forgetting. I don't remember the name. Oh well.

"You know," Sarah said out of nowhere. "We could've had normal lives from the start. I could've gone to be the world's youngest professional clarinet player, living large. But no. Clair and Anna exist."

"Stop being so negative," Jordan said slightly anxious. "We'll find her."

"What if we don't?"

"Then we'll have a funeral service for her and her flute. I thought we all agreed on this. We'll all dress up in our pajamas like she told us to. That simple."

"Jason, are you okay?" I asked. He looked pretty sad.

"I'm fine." He sniffled. "Just wondering why I ever looked at Jocelyn like that. She's just one of those hideous choir nuggets in disguise."

"It hurts. You'll be fine."

We were about halfway to the place Jade was leading us to. Ever since that thing happened between her and Jerad, they've been strangely close. I remember having feelings like that for someone. I don't remember who though.

"So," Zach started saying. "Mason, do you remember any of our names?"

"You'reo Zach," I pointed at each individual. "That blue haired one is Sarah. The short haired girl is Jordan. Blue glasses is Jerad. The oddly tall one is Jade. The unintelligent one is Jason."

"Hey!" Jason yelled. We all laughed. This is the first time anyone looked happy or even felt happiness in this whole experience. Seeing all the laughter makes me so happy. Only if Larry was here to enjoy it.

"We have a day and a half to find red head." Sarah said. "I think we might actually make it."

"We still have about twenty miles until we get there." Jade protested. "We'll probably run into those idiots again. Bigger, badder, and stronger."

"Why do you have to be so negative about everything?" Jordan interrupted.

"Because all of us are not active whatsoever except for the fact that we have to hold up our instruments at attention for ten minutes. We don't even do that anymore."

"Can we not be reminded of that awful time?"

"How about we all just shut up before we lose her?" I said breaking it up.

"You don't even remember her actual name," Jade came back. "You have absolutely no room to talk. Just two hours ago, you were chewing on plastic silverware."

We started arguing back and forth like that for about a mile. It never got physical in any sort of way. I'm not that sort of person when I'm around my friends. But if those girls (I refuse to say their names) even lay a finger on any of them, my fist will be in their face.

As soon as the argument ended, we stopped at a corner store to eat something before we starve to death. I ran out of water and  swiss rolls. As we were walked around the store, I felt an automatically uncomfortable environment surrounding me. It was an unpleasant scent of celebrity perfume and spicy chips.  I kept looking back and no one was there.

As soon as we got to the counter, the scent got even closer. To the point where it was right next to me. Oh no. They just would not leave us alone. I think you already know who it is.

"Why the heck are you following us?"I whispered.

"Just here to remind you that you have twenty-six hours left." Clair whispered creepily in my ear.

"Get away or I'll rip your eyes out of your head. That's right, I remember who you are."

"Oh, really. Who am I?"

"You're Clair. The person that ruined our lives and has an ego so huge that you can barely keep your head up."

Another person walked up behind her.

"That was just plain rude of you, Mason." Anna commented right behind her.

"Not as rude as you were when you stole someone's private journal." I turned back.

Jocelyn went to the right of Clair.

"What are you going to do about it?" Jocelyn snapped.

"No one likes you." Sorry, that slipped.

Clair grabbed hold of Jade,  Anna grabbed Jerad, and Jocelyn grabbed Jason.

"Get your hands off of them!" I yelled.

"Or what?" Clair snipped.

"Just wait. If you don't get your hands off Jade within ten seconds, she just may elbow you in the stomach." Sarah told her.

Anna took her hands off of Jerad and walked two inches away from my face. She put her hand on my shoulder. The same rule applies with the rest of us. You lay a finger on any of us, you get beat in the face by all of us.

Jade did the first move on Clair by elbowing her in the stomach. I warned her. Stuff got really ugly real fast. I saw Jordan actually mentally insane for the first time ever. I've never seen a doughnut go so far down someone's throat before. I took my crutches and whacked Clair across the mouth just like that trombone. Jason nailed Jocelyn in the nose for how she led him on.

This fight went down the aisles. Sarah was shoving more doughnuts down Anna's throat (along with eating some in the process). Zach screamed in Jocelyn's ear due to no other defense mechanism. Then I heard that door jingle. The clerk had called the police. I guess they've never seen a bunch of kids hurting each other in the middle of a corner store. I just wanted food.

After one final blow to the head from Clair, I felt a sea of memories coming into my head. My whole life flashed before my eyes. Me learning how to ride a bike when I was ten. Learning how to play baritone when I was twelve. Then something basically stabbed me in the chest. I remember someone that my mom's been trying to keep me from for eight years.

The police started handcuffing all of us like delinquents. As the policeman was about to put my hands behind my back, I stormed out of the store. Having track for three years has really payed off.

I needed to do something important. I needed to find Lauren before she gives up on life.

Jade's POV

Mason randomly stormed out of the store. The rest of us were being put into the police cars like real prisoners. I have a black eye. Jordan's arm looked pretty bruised up. Jason won the fight against Jocelyn and only came out with a scratch on his nose and a huge bruise on his knee. I'm surprised Zach is still alive after that since he's just a puny  little shrimp. Jerad barely has an arm or a leg at this point after what Anna did to him. Who knew a person that small can beat up a person so tall. Well, to sum this all up, we're going to jail.

You know what I think happened with Mason? He finally remembered.

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