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Tape 1 - XX21

- Playing -


"̷L̵u̷c̶i̴d̵?̴ ̸W̸h̷a̸t̵ ̸a̶r̵e̶ ̴y̶o̶u̴ ̷d̷o̷i̸n̴g̷ ̶h̵e̷r̶e̵? W̸i̷t̶h̸ ̴a̶ c̴a̸m̶e̵r̶a̴?̵"̶
[Transcript: Lucid? What are you doing here? With a camera?"

"It's [Y/N]'s first New Year! We have to celebrate!"

The camera shuffled moving up to show DreamXD, however, it was glitching. XD stared at the camera.

"̸F̴i̶n̸e̶,̶ ̷b̵u̷t̸ ̵g̷e̶t̸ ̶t̴h̷a̴t̴ ̷o̴u̶t̸ ̸o̴f̸ ̶m̸y̷ ̸f̶a̴c̶e̸,̴ ̵i̶t̵'̵s̵ ̸n̷o̶t̸ ̷e̶v̴e̶n̶ ̵g̴o̸n̷n̵a̴ ̸s̶h̵o̶w̷ ̵a̸ ̶g̷o̸o̴d̶ ̵i̴m̸a̷g̸e̶ ̵o̸f̴ ̷m̵e̷ ̵w̸i̵t̸h̸ ̶h̵o̷w̴ ̴g̸l̷i̵t̶c̵h̸y̴ ̵c̵a̵m̵e̷r̸a̵s̵ ̵g̷e̶t̵ ̶a̵r̶o̷u̷n̴d̸ ̵m̶e̶.̴"̷
[Transcript: Fine, but get that out of my face, it's not even gonna show a good image of me with how glitchy cameras get around me.]


There was a knock on the door.

"Oh! That must be Dream and Drista!"

"̸W̸h̴-̷ ̶Y̸o̷u̴ ̵i̵n̴v̴i̸t̸e̶d̶ ̷t̷h̸e̴m̴ ̴o̸v̷e̷r̵?̷"̸
[Transcript: Wh- You invited them over?]

"Of course! [Y/N] has to experience the best New Year! Their first New Year!"

There was the sound of a door opening.

"Hey guys!" 


- Skipped -


Tape 8 - XX22

- Playing -



"Yes, [Y/N]?" The voice from behind said shuffling the camera to show [Y/N].

"Do you want to play a prank on Dream?"

"You know me so well, [Y/N]!"

- Fastfoward -


The camera was a blur, showing [Y/N] and Lucid running.


- Skipped -


Tape 15 - XX23

- Playing -


"Hi, Tommy!"

"Hi, [Y/N]!"

"O-Oh my god! Mr. Minecraft?!"

"Hello! Sorry I let myself in, Tommy just wanted to see his friend and his bestfriend's dad was too busy."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you! Our other guests won't be coming today, so I'm happy [Y/N] could spend New Years with their friend!"

"W̵h̸a̸t̵'̸s̶ ̴a̴l̷l̴ ̴t̶h̷i̸s̴ ̶c̸o̸m̸m̸o̷t̶i̷o̵n̴-̶ ̷O̸h̴,̷ ̸I̵ ̷f̷o̵r̷g̸o̷t̶ ̵y̶o̶u̸ ̷w̶e̴r̵e̷ ̶c̴o̵m̷i̸n̸g̵.̵"
[Transcript: What's all this commotion- Oh, I forgot you were coming.]

"Hello to you too XD."

- Skipped -


Tape 22 - XX24

- Playing -


"It's [Y/N]'s 4th New Years! How old are you [Y/N]?" Lucid asked showing [Y/N] eating cake.

"I am 7!" [Y/N] said happily using their hands to show 7.

"And I am 5, but I seem to be smarter than you." It was a feminime voice, probably Drista.

"That's because you are a Dreamon! You age differently!"

- Skipped -


Tape 37 - XX25

- Playing -


- Playing Stopped - 


You laid on your bed looking at the sky. (haha unfinished base, imagine) Where did Lucid go?

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