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sangyeon: come in !
juyeon walks in room as the doors open.
juyeon: sir you called me
sangyeon smiles and waves his hand.

sangyeon: no no don't bother. just call me hyung ! so i got you a mission.
he shows at chair. i sit down. he hands two paper files and with 2 person pictures on it and information. one is girl with medium brown hair and other is guy with black hair and some white extensions in front. "kim y/n" and "ji changmin".

sangyeon: let's say. unsuccessful plan but very strong duo. they united and went against me after how I TRAINED THEM ! sorry. read them.

he points at the girl's paper file.
sangyeon: i erased their both memory and they can't meet, get in touch. your task? check on her and prevent any possible contact between them. do whatever it takes to keep changmin away. she is in camera 2. take her home and call her parents. make up some story. i will monitor you all. you are my best student. i count on you juyeon. all your needed stuff is already in your room.

juyeon takes papers from table. handshakes and bows.
juyeon: thank you! i will not bring down your expectations.
he left the room. sangyeon sighed.
sangyeon: let's see who's stronger now.

y/n: oh, you. thanks.
can't remember. i have never been in that state to not remember people. i jumped off the table and sat down, took my studies out. big hand lands on my table. so annoying.
juyeon: shouldn't you be thankful and greet me? buy me food after school
y/n: ok

"...straightforward, easily annoyed..."

juyeon: alright, i choose the place.
he goes away. bell rings. head pulses. confusion. empty head. i can't remember a thing.

while someone in back of the class crunches paper in anger. he looks up with angry stare.
failure. erase memory : fail.
changmin: sorry, but i can't keep the promise.

what party? what a bullsh!t there was no party yesterday. so she really can't remember anything. who tf is lee juyeon? tracksuit jacket. short cut black hair. studies. bet he is not new student.

bruises. i couldn't protect her. still gets annoyed around people when in bad mood. cute. someone pokes me. what? i turn around.
student: changmin, what happened yesterday? your face is bruised-
another student: wait y/n and changmin are both with bruises.

she turns around. our eyes meet. she stares at my face. it hurts. that she doesn't recognize me.
student: omg were you at the party too? what happened? how come the new student not be beaten up?

hands in pockets. time to play. we still stare at each other. i say in cocky tone
changmin: i don't know if i was beaten at the party place, but if the place is called like that then yes.

eyebrow raises. confused. while i feel someone is staring at me with death stare. i turn around and look with playful stare. "what are you so worried about? scared?"

lectures end. nothing special. overslept them. but the difference is that now i have no one to take notes for me. i put my cap on, take my backpack and go outside. it rains. it has to rain. open my locker and throw some books i wont need this week. picture slides out. amusement park.

"no ! i am not going into this house full of Satanism just for one chucky doll!!
i chuckle and push her in.
" stop! you work for our boss and can't go inside? i thought you were more confident."
"alright, but everytime someone scares me i will punch you"
"if it's what you wish for"

she went behind me while i lead the way in the haunted house. grabbed onto my hoody. clown jumps out. punch. flash going on.
"ji changmin i am going to END YOU!!"
she screamed and punched me. i stopped her. hugged her.
"don't look up. just go along with me"

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