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"it was like student testing day. everytime when someone went against our boss sangyeon he sent his students on them. times like when they tried to run away, scammed, talk bad behind his back. our task. get rid of them. but there is one rule. students can't meet each other. if they accidentally manage to see each other, one of them has to die. through the fight. strongest one survives. so everything went by perfect plan. except that one day.

i was known as the strongest student sangyeon has trained. merciless, cunning, savage. that one day some company owners scammed our boss. they were about to release and start big project but they rejected and scammed him. we got sent to their office. to get rid of them. for boss they were just easy obstacles to get rid off.

i was sitting in the car and released at their office. usually we get rid of few people but boss ordered to get rid of them all. we all students had different people to deal with. i went in. staring. i went to assistant table and put my arms on the table. she was on my list and the ceo too.

y/n: hello may i know on which floor is the ceo room.
assistant hesitantly looked at me and slowly took her phone. idiot. i smiled.
y/n: wrong move

i took flower pot and smashed into her face. she fell down. loud screams. i am used to it. i jumped over the table. book. 413 room. the security is shit. usually we would get interrupted real fast, but now they don't even bother. probably other students already dealt with them.

i ran up. 405...408...410...413. i opened door. they weren't warned about the situation. i went in pretty relaxed and waved at secretary.
ceo: you-
y/n: wow ! am i that popular?

he pressed some button and sent his secretary away. secretary was not my problem so i didn't bother to touch her. i went to the table where he was standing. i kicked the table. slow reaction. he crashed into wall with the table.

y/n: you all dirty asses never learn from other when to stop or what to do
i pressed the table with my leg and pushed closer to the wall.
ceo: who are you to speak ?!
i smirked "just completing my orders"
i pushed real hard and he start to scream.
y/n: aww man, those ribs probably got broken

suddenly guards bashed into office. ahh they are such pain in the ass. i took chair and threw at one of them. knock out. bruh they are the worst body guards i have ever seen. i took one by collar. hit his face. he kicked my knee then my face. this one is stronger. fell down.

i pushed his ankles. with the face into floor. took shelf with documents. boom. onto him. 2 body guards and ceo with broken ribs left. i was about to knock out one of them. when suddenly someone runs into room. fuck. this never happened to me.

one of the students mistook the doors and went inside. black hair with white extensions. one of us has to die.

punch. the body guard fell down and crashed into the shelf. they guy runs to me. you for real?! i take out my stick that was given to me and hit his stomach real hard. he crouched and looked up to me. body guards were confused but one of them attacked the other student. swish. thud. he slit the body guard throat and now was looking at me. i was in trouble.

i took my stick and went to him. i tried to hit his face. rejected. he caught it. i kicked him. he crashed into wall. knife slid out of his hands. the last body guard took his arm and wrapped around my neck. with my hand i hit his face. i pulled him around and pushed on the student. thud. i look at the ceo table. fuck ! he is not there. i can't fail my mission and to some student. bang. i crash into table. in next moment he was onto me. smirking.

changmin: how fun it will be to tell boss that his best student failed mission and got killed

he was enjoying looking at me. suddenly i noticed figure approaching to the student with his hand risen up. the ceo. i kicked him over with my leg and the ceo fell on me, pushing me more into table while taming piece of glass into my stomach. i was pushing him away. he was way too heavy.

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