Important announcement!

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So I don't freak you all out, I'll just say this first: no I am NOT deleting this.

The most important things are in bold. Explanation and more unimportant things aren't.

(And yes, that is my cartoon style art up top)


Hey guys! It's your author here! I have a really important announcement thar I'd like to make regarding this book.

I will be re-writing all of the chapters.

I've decided that the chapter style that I've been doing is too long, has way too much unimportant dialogue, and is plain boring. If you look at total views on Prologue part 1 compared to Prologue part 2, then you can see a significant difference. As of Jan 4th, 2022 at 1:30 AM, Part has 1.9K reads while Part 2 has only 938 reads.

Now, reads really shouldn't be important, but I want this book to spread and be read by fans who want to have a nice journey and a nice story! I want you all to read and enjoy it so you can come back for more. I love feedback and I ADORE reading your comments. Thus far, I've had nothing negative which means that I've been doing at least decently as a writer. However, I'm older and wiser than I was when I first wrote this book.

I first published this almost 20 months ago. That's almost 2 years...! In that time, I've finished 1 English class and started & completed 2 more (one of them was a half semester class so I finished it quicker). Hell, I've written paragraphs for college and have done plenty of standardized testing and I know that my writing in 8th grade was bad. Not terrible, but just...kinda cringe. That's why I've deleted some books.

Whatever. That went sooooo off topic. The point is that I want this to feel professional without being overly professional. You know what I mean? I mean not professional like an actual author because that's gets boring really fast...but I want it to not sound like a 15 year old write it...yet I DO want it to sound that way because that marks myself as a writer. I'll show my age in my writings.

I'm keeping the old chapters for you to read if you so please, but just know that I will be adding new chapters (with MOSTLY THE SAME PLOT) to replace them thus re-writing them.

Thank you!

-The author

Machine Woman (Rantaro Amami x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now