Prologue pt. 1

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The prologue is over 2 hours long, so BEAR with me. Hehe. (I'm splitting it into parts...otherwise it'll be over 10000 words XD)

Word count: 3075

Engineering. I love it. It's my life. I'm dedicated to it. I have a big project that I have worked on for a long time, and I just revealed it to the world! It's a robot! Not just any robot though. A robot clone! It looks like, acts like, and talks like me! I want to try to make many of them as possible, making them look like people around the world! It could be revolutionary! The only problem is, I was...kidnapped...? I dont know...It seems like it...I don't remember anything...only a black car, yelling, and blacking out. No one tried to help. I just wanted to go to school!

There was no light. No sound. No form. No voice. I had forgotten almost everything. All I can remember is kidnapping. I can barely remember my own name....what was it again...Oh yeah. I remember now.

My name is Y/n L/n. I just remembered who I am. Nice to You? I don't know anymore.

A hand extended, that I assumed was my own, and pushed at whatever was infront of me. I then stumbled out and fell to the ground.

"Ahh!" I hit the ground and groaned. "That may leave a bruise..."

I looked around at my surroundings. A...classroom...? Yep. It's a classroom alright. And it appears that I fell out of

"Where am I...? What am I doing here...? Is this a dream...?"

I pulled my pocket knife out of my pocket and decided to test if this really was a dream or not.

"Ow!" I yelp as a slit my finger a bit. It wasn't bleeding much, so I sucked my finger for a bit. Suddenly, the locker beside "my" locker started to make some noise, as if metal was being banged left and right inside it. I backed up a bit, preparing myself for whatever came out of it.

All of a sudden, it opened and a robot came out. Not just any robot though...

"One?! Is that you?"


"One, it's me! Y/n! Oh my goodness! You got kidnapped as well!"

"Well, yeah. Master, where are we? Are we at school? We appear to be in a classroom."

I scoff at her. "No shit Sherlock. Thanks for pointing that out."

One. She's my robot clone. She looks like me. Since she's my 1st clone, I named her One. I like her a lot.

"Hey, let's look around." I suddenly blurt out.

"No way! What if whoever kidnapped us returns, finds us gone, haunts us down, and kills us?!" She whisper-yelled at me.

"Eh, true. Sometimes I think that you're my better half."

"Haha! Well, you made me like that!"

"Also true."



We became silent until One spoke up.

"You know what. I can't. I can't wait. Let's go out."

"HEACK YEAH!" I yell, as if I was a young child whose mom just told them that they could stay up an extra 10 minutes.

As we began to walk out of the room, I stopped in my tracks and asked One something.

"Hey One?"

"Yes Master?"

"How did you get here? It's not like you go to school." I ask.

"Well, I noticed on the tracker on your phone that you connected to me that you never arived at school. So, I took it upon myself to try and find you. I was met with someone coming behind me and pressing my sleep-mode button."

Machine Woman (Rantaro Amami x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now