Trial 2

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Art by: KNR on YouTube (KindaNotReally)

Alright! It's trial time, people!!! Now, I'm doing this just a bit different then last time. The first trial was a bit too wonky for my taste, so I'm changing the style of how I write the trial! Here's how it will work:

I know for a fact that for the scrum debate, I'll put which side both Y/n and Rantaro are on. I mean, Rantaro was the original 1st dead, so of course I have to place him there, and Y/n is pretty self explanatory.

For the debate, I'll also have to add new points for Y/n and Rantaro to argue with.

Whenever there's a time for new info to shine in the trial that Y/n or Rantaro know (or have told others about), I'll write in new dialogue for it.

Random moments of inner though dialogue.

Some things being said.


Y'all get the point lmao

Let us start with the trial!!!

Also, sorry for the wait...!

Lots o' time skips!!!

Word count: 4005

So here we are. The class trial starting and all my suspicion is on Himiko and Angie, the ones conducting the show.

Maybe Himiko knew that Angie was going to kill her with the piranhas, so she decided to knock out Ryoma to take her place or something...? I don't know, just a thought.

"Ahem! Now then, let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! Durring the trial, you'll present your arguments for who the culprit it, and vote for "whodunnit." Vote correctly, and only the blackened will be punished. But if you pick the wrong person...I'll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and that person will graduate from this academy! Also, refusing to vote will result in your death, so tou better vote for someone! Now, let's get this crazy, awesome, crazy-awsome to the max trial underway!"

Oh christ on a stuck, just hearing his voice makes me want to one: puke, two: kill myself, and three: hug One. Welp, I can't do one, that'd be gross...can't do three, One is dead...and has been stolen...May aw well just kill myself now-

"I think we all know who the most suspicious one is! It's-"

"Let's combine our power and work together, everyone!"

"Um...The person who's most suspicious is-"

"Now lend me your energy, everyone! So we can catch the culprit!"

"Because the murder happened during the magic show, the culprit can only be-"

"HAIYAAAAAAAAHHH!!! I'm in top form today!"

"Tenko! Why are you interrupting me? We can't have a good trial if you talk over me."

Oh yeah. Can't kill myself just yet. I gotta sort out my gremlin "brother" just stay alive and I gotta calm the feminist with her feminism. One those are settled, THEN I can kill myself.

Which will probably be never, because the gremlin will be nearly dying every day and the feminist is going to REALLY take a lot of time sorting her feminism out...

Oh well. Sorry, bro. I won't be moving in with you just yet.

"Huh? I'm not interrupting you. Whatever you have to say is probably worthless anyway, cuz all males wanna talk about is S-E--"

Machine Woman (Rantaro Amami x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now