Prologue pt. 3

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Word count: 3174

The moment we enter the gym, we see everyone's worried faces and we all start to chat.

"All 18 of us have gathered..." Kirumi says.

"Hmm, it's pretty spectacular seeing 18 of us Ultimates gathered together."

"It is Kaito, isn't it...?" I say.

"Kehehe...You may not be able to be so easygoing for much longer..." Korekiyo tells Kaito.

"In this situation, it's no use thinking about things. So eventually, Tsumugi stopped thinking." Tsumugi says, as if she's talking in 3rd person.

"Nyeeeh...What's gonna happen to us? I bet it'll be a big pain..." Himiko says to no one in particular.


"What? What are you looking at?"

"Um...Himiko, you can use your amazing powers, right!? Cuz you're a phychic and stuff, right?" Tenko asks Himiko

"I'm not a psychic...I'm a mage."

"Whoooa! That's amazing! I definitely wanna incorporate that into Neo-Aikido! Hey, what sorta training did you undergo to gain your awsome powers!?"

"Talking about itbis too tiring..."

Well, those two seem happy talking.

"You're pretty lazy." Kaede tells Himiko.

"Hey!" I yell out to Kaede. "Is that some sort of midge discrimination!? I'll let you know, just because small people are tired and lazy a lot, it doesn't mean that you can just state the obvious! It makes us self conscious!"

"Wh-What!? Th-That's not what I was going for, I'm-" I cut her off.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't be sorry! I'm just messing around! I took that statement as an opportunity to show the world that I don't like insult against short people...Yeah, I think only I'm self conscious about my height! Hehe! I was only joking, so you don't need to worry!" I say.

"Oh come on Y/n! Don't joke like that!"

"S-Sorry Kaede-!" Just as I said that, I earned a wack on the head by One.

"Ow! One, what was that for!?"

"Sorry Master, but it was for your own good."

"You'd do the same!"

"Yeah, and you'd smack me in the head as well."


"Pardon me," Keebo said, "but...we need to be on our guard. We do not know if and when danger will strike."

"Fair pint Keebo! I agree!" One stated. I just liiked at her with a look that said "it's because he's a robot like you" and she hut me back with a "fuck yeah" look.

"D-Don't say that...I'm scared...I don't know what to do..." Kokichi said with tears in his eyes. Fake one, but still.

"There is no need to worry. Atua will protect us." Angie tells him.

"Phew! That's a relief!" Kokichi replies to her.

"Is your brain full of weeds or somethin'? I'll wack 'em outta that skull of yours!" Miu yells at the two of them.

"Don't worry about it! Just leave it to me!" Kaito says, returning to subject of protection. "If those teddy bears show themselves again, I'll kick all their asses!"

"Umm...Kaito..?" I start "If you kick them, wou may injure them, but you'll injure yourself more, depending on how hard you kick. They're robots. They just are machines inside of shells that look like teddy bears! You'll get hurt!"

Machine Woman (Rantaro Amami x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now