Investigation 2

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It's Rantaro the Avocado 2.0! It's the other Rantaro face that I edited onto an avocado. The difference between the 2 pics is the mouth. Haha.

R.I.P. Ryoma Hoshi.

Ok, but like...This chapter took forever to make because I personally don't like this investigation much so I lose interest in writing a LOT quicker then other chapters. I still managed to push thrugh it, so that's good...JUST BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE THE INVESTIGATION DOSEN'T MEAN THAT I DON'T LIKE THE TRIAL. I LOVE ALL OF THE TRIALS.


I also had shit to do, like go to my grandpa's god damn funeral.

Word count: 4853

Bones. That's all that was left of the Ultimate Tennis Pro, Ryoma Hoshi. I wanted to scream, but I was in a stage of shock.

R-Ryoma...? Why...Why's Ryoma's body...Why's Ryoma's body here in the tank!? Why do we have to do this again? Why us? Why US!? WHY ME!?

I started to feel tears prick my eyes. I fell to the ground, but my expression never changed. There was a dead body infront of us. There were bones infront of us. Eventually, those that weren't at the magic show came running in the gym. The sound of the gym door being slammed open is what snapped me out of my trance of staring at the body. Once it open and I got a hold of myself, I wiped the tears away and stood up.

"Wh-What's going on!?" Kaito screamed out.

"I-I don't know! I don't know what happened!" Tenko replied. Well, she more or less screamed, but it's understandable. No one really knows what the hell just happened here. We were still rapping our minds around the fact that another killing happened.

Kokichi was the first to suggest something to do. "We should break the tank, right? We gotta check what's inside."

"Wha-? Break it?"

"Yeah, break it. It'll take too long to drain it by hand."

"But what would we even use to break-"

"Gonta! Kee-boy! You're up!" Kokichi says, cutting off the young detective.

"Huh? What do tou mean, we're up?" Keebo asks.

"Gonta, throw Kee-boy as hard as you can! Use that robot like a battering ram!"

"Now hold on just a minute, Kokichi! As an engineer, I have a say in this! You can't just throw a machine at something! You could damage it! And besides, Keebo's one of our classmates." I defensively say. I get infront of Keebo and I hold my hands out in defense. "If you want to potentially hurt one of our classmates, you go through me, first!"

"You and titless over there can repair him, riiiight? So it doesn't matter if he breaks!"


"E-Even if that's true, I won't let you! I don't want to risk it...!"

"Ugggghhh...Rantaro, restrain your girlfriend, will ya? We're getting Gonta and Kee-boy to break the glass, and that's final...!"


Rantaro just sighs and walks over to me.

"Come on, N/n. Just let Kokichi do what he wants. You can inspect Keebo later for any damage."


"No buts. Come on now."




"Good. Let's go and watch from a distance, alright?" He doesn't let me answer before he grabs my arm and walks me away from Keebo. When we pass Kokichi, Rantaro stops for a moment to speak. "Oh, and Kokichi?"

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