Chapter 1 | Looming death

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The hall was silent. Only the sounds of our footsteps echoing could be heard for a good while. We didn't spot a single person for a bit, but when we did finally find someone, I found myself praying for the silence to return.

Every introduction followed more or less the same order of events. We'd start a small conversation, introduce ourselves and our talents, we'd conclude our conversation and then move on to the next person. Everyone was unique and interesting, some more than others for different reasons, yet I just couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I kept my guard up for the entirety of introductions. Everyone was unique, showcasing a plethora of this bubbly rainbow of personalities. It almost impressed me how much I learned from these small interactions. It felt foreign, but nice. I'm sure One was having fun, it was plastered all over her face. It was certainly an experience for me.

You know, everyone weren't super bad. A feminist fighter? An extremely religious artist? A literal ASTRONAUT? A new friend for One who is also a robot? Such a diverse cast. But there's one that just...stuck with me. That green one who forgot his talent. What was his name again? Ranch-taro? No...Rantaro. Yeah, that dude. Sure, it seems like no one remembers how we arrived, but I find it strange and quite frankly suspicious that he of all people forgot his talent. Who can forget such a privilege? I'm not too sure what to make of him or if I can even trust him. But yet it's not like I fully trust everyone else either. Who knows who will hurt me...or One. Especially One. She deserves to live...again. Death didn't deserve her anyway.

You know what I found funny? Out of everyone, only one person recognized my name and/or One's face. Just one! It's kinda weird and almost foreign to me. A lot of people on the street before here recognized my name and/or my sister's face. It was all over the news a while ago! International news, no less. But none of that really matters. What really matters is what's going to happen next.

A monitor on the wall lit up as those bears came back on screen beckoning us to go into the gym, that the "preparations" were complete. A wave of fear and panic washed over me. What was going to happen to us? I grip One's arm and stop her in her tracks. "I don't think we should go."

"But why not? It sounded like it was important. Besides, it's not like we should piss off the bears. Bears aren't the friendliest creatures when angered."

"I know it's just...this feels wrong. It feels like a trap, like death is looming over us."

One laughs. "Oh, don't be silly, Y/n. We'll be fine! Do I have to hold your hand again? Oh it'll be just like you're 5 all over again! Such fond memories."

I fluster. "N-No! Just...shut up! Let's go..."

"Haha! Okay drama queen." I can just feel the eye roll in here tone, but I was too focused on getting away to address it.

Eventually, we enter the gym. Everyone else is already in there waiting. And there he is again, that Rantaro dude. Even though everyone's eyes were on One and I as we walked in the gym, but I could feel Rantaro's eyes specifically burning holes in my body as if he was also suspicious of *me*. When I looked around, I noticed that the bear welcome committee decided not to show. It wasn't long after the door closed that everyone started to chat.

"All eighteen of us have gathered..."

"Hmm, it's pretty spectacular seeing eighteen of us Ultimates gathered together."

"Kehehe...You may not be able to be so easygoing for much longer..."

"In this situation, it's no use thinking about things. So eventually, Tsumugi stopped thinking."

"Nyeeeh...What's gonna happen to us? I bet it'll be a big pain..."


"What? What are you looking at?"

"Um...Himiko, you can use your amazing powers, right!? Cuz you're a phychic and stuff, right?"

"I'm not a psychic...I'm a mage."

"Whoooa! That's amazing! I definitely wanna incorporate that into Neo-Aikido! Hey, what sorta training did you undergo to gain your awsome powers!?"

"Talking about it is too tiring..."

One brings herself to my height and whispers "Hey, I'm going to go talk to that Kiibo dude. Can't believe there's another robot here! You gonna be alright on your own? I know you aren't the best around strangers sooo-"

"I'll be fine, just go." I quickly whisper back sounding almost annoyed though I wasn't at all. In fact, I was just uncomfortable. I didn't want her to leave, but I wasn't going to just hide behind my sister the entire time. Mama didn't raise no pussy and I was about to show the world (or the room) the woman she did raise!

One snickers. "If you say so. Come on over if you need me, kay?"

"Alright..." One gives me one final smirk before heading towards Kiibo with a glint of excitement in her eyes.

Cute. She found a friend like her. Maybe she won't feel so alone anymore.

I wrap my arms around my torso ever so slightly and close my eyes, lowering my head. I tried my very best to shut out everyone's voices as they circulated around me. Thankfully, no one talked to me, but I could still feel eyes burning me. I could only assume they belonged to Rantaro, but I couldn't tell since I had my eyes closed and I didn't exactly feel like looking. It would be a bit awkward if we locked eyes especially since I was being quiet. I took a deep breath and started to repeat the words "you're okay" over and over again as a way to comfort myself.

Suddenly, it went quiet. I thought that I finally blocked the voices out or that they left. I felt a sort of safety, so I opened my eyes and looked up. To my displeasure, everyone was still there, but It wasn't that I finally blocked them out, but they were actually just silent. And not only were they silent, but they were looking around the room. This confused me...that's when I heard it. And by the time I realized it, they was here.

"Yoo-hoo! Rise and shine ursine!" The voices of the Konokubs rang out around the gym. How they weren't breaking the floor was beyond me. But what I did know was that these machines were large and quite frankly  scary. I let out a screech of terror.


"Everyone, behind Gonta!"

"Wh-What the heck are these...monsters!?"

"Whooooooaaaa!!! So coooool!!!"

"NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS COoL-" I scream out at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking at the end.

What were those giant machines? Well, they're called Exisals and they're these large deadly machines of death and destruction. And on top of these deadly machines, we were being forced to do something deadly ourselves: a killing game.

Machine Woman (Rantaro Amami x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now