Chapter 7

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Ah, my lab. So quite. So peaceful. So perfect for building and planing. I get out a piece of paper and I start to write down my ideas.

Maybe...Just maybe...We can go to the pool at night, but wait to go IN the pool itself until the day announcement...! The pool itself is off limits at night, not the pool area. But to keep everyone awake, I'll have to provide coffee to them...I can make a big coffee machine! Easy! I can also try to get Himiko to do some magic for some entertainment. Magic is fun to watch. I'll have to also get some food. Me and Kirumi can do that. But what if no one wants to go from night to day...? Maybe we can go from the morning announcement to the nighttime announcement...Or just around lunchtime...Eh, we'll see...I hope everyone agrees. I'm starting to have second thoughts about this...Maybe I can just invite people I can trust. Let's see....I can trust Rantaro, Kirumi, Shuichi, Kaito, Keebo, maybe Maki (we barely know her, this could be a good time to get to know her), maybe Kokichi (he can lie, but I trust him enough that he won't kill me), and maybe Kiyo (I mean, he's trustworthy and just a bit creepy). Yeah, I'm good with them...!

I run out of my lab and I try to find everyone that I want to invite.

Let's start with asking Maki.

I grab my Monopad from my pocket and I look at the map and I find her. She was on the third flood near her lab...Got it! I run as fast as my legs can take me and I go to her. Once I find her, I'm out of breath.

"O-Oh, *huff* h-hey Maki...Would you...*huff* DO you wanna *huff* maybe go to a pool with *huff* me and some others?"

"...No, now go away."

I take a deep breath and I prepare for more running. "A-ah, I see. I'll be going now. Bye...!" I take out my Monopad again and I look for victim #2.

How about....Korekiyo?

I find and spot him on the map. He was at the library in the basement...I shiver at the thought of going back there...That's where One died. I shake it off and I start running down flights of stairs until I was at the library. I hesitantly went in and started to talk.

"H-Hey, Kiyo. Umm, do you wanna come to a pool party with me and some other people some time soon...?"

His answer disappointed me. "Kehehe, a pool party, you say? Apologize Y/n, but I must decline. Swimming is not exactly my thing. Besides, I have some rhings that I truly want to read. Sorry."

"N-No, you're fine, Kiyo. I get it. See ya later!" I bid him goodbye and I leave. I once again take out my Monopad and look for #3.

Let's go with Kokichi...! Third time's the charm, right?

I once again open my map and I search. He's in the courtyard. Okay, great! Shuichi's with him, so I can get double! Haha! I run up the stairs and I run out the door and to the courtyard. I find them and I talk to them.

"Hey, guys!"

"Y/n! How's my favorite sister!" Kokichi says as he latches himself to me I see Shuichi with visible disappointment in his face.

"Hey, Y/n."

"Ah! H-Hey now...Umm, I-I wanted to ask if you guys wanted to go to a pool party with me and some other people soon?"

"Sorry, Y/n. That's a no from me." Kokichi says. He lets go of me and crosses his hands hehind his head.

"Same for me...Sorry, swimming just isn't my thing, especially with this killing game going on." Shuichi says as he rubs the back of his neck.

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