Chapter 10 (For real)

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(I'm 1000000% prepared for my phone to blow up with Wattpad notifications)

So...School is fun. 4 As, 1 B, and 1 C. Of course, the C is in math and the B is in science. Those 2 subjects are my worst subjects lol.

I'm SOOOOO sorry that is is super late, guys. I kinda dropped out of the fandom for a while and got into a bunch of other fandoms and shit...Like the Final Fantasy fandom and the HunterxHunter fandom. Happiness fills me now. 9th grade is fun lol.

Yeah, and my English teacher is a dumbass pedo man. Legit tells my friend that he loves her voice, he threatened to fail her just so she can be in his class again next year, etc. The school knows now so HA, suck it, Mr B.

You can thank Jay (Kubzscouts) for his more recent gameplay of V3 (that I am MEGA exited for) for getting me back into the swing of things for Danganronpa! I'll like his gameplay of it at the end.

Work count: 2648

"Huh? Hey, Kiibo. What's up? This is strange that you've come to me, you need something?"

"Well, I'm not sure if you know this or not, I assume not, but Miu added some new functuons on me!"

"Oh did she?"

"Yeah! But, that's not why I'm here. I'm just...lonely."

"Lonely? Why is that?"

"It's just...Ever since One died, I've just been so lonely. I really miss her, she was the only other robot here and she was my friend! And I'm sure you also feel lonely without her."

"How about Monokuma and the Monokubs?" I joke.

"What? Absolutely not! They're less like robots and more like satanic teddy bears. "

"True. Well, the case with One is that she's not only my best friend, my SISTER and she's gone. I wish she didn't die."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is talking about One too painful for you!? God, I should've known, I'm so sorry! We can drop the subject if you want-"

"No no, it's fine. I can talk."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course! Where was I? Oh yeah, loneliness. You're not alone, Kiibo. I know you must feel terrible without One, and I understand. One filled the empty void in my heart that HE left. It's empty once again."

"I'm sorry, but I must ask, who is this "HE" that you're talking about?"

"Oh, HE is the one I loved with all of my heart, the one that kept me going. HE is my everything. HE brother, Ani. When I was 5, he baught me a little tool set and taught me how to take apart things and put them back together. I would do that to everything that I could and I somehow make them even better when I put it back together. This may seem weird, but he's 20 years older than me."

"20 years? That's a large age gap..."

"It is, isn't it? Well, when I was 7, he was diagnosed with depression and was put on a suicide watch thing. A year later, he planed to commit suicide. He wanted to set up a chainsaw and bash his head into to. That failed because he did it in the backyard where we were eating. He had a backup plan because he knew it was going to fail. It took a lot of therapy, but he was let go and was considered fine again. One morning, me and my mom had an argument and I was sent to my room. I decided to try and run away, so I packed my shit, snuck downstairs, and opened the front door. What did I see? His lifeless body hanging fron the porch. He hung himself and I was the first to see it. His death had such an impact on me and it plunged a hole right through my heart."

Machine Woman (Rantaro Amami x Fem!reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu