VII. Disease

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The next day Charlie and his friends sat in John B's van all of them talking about recent events. Kiara still wasn't very much talkative, which made Charlie's guilt grow even more as he sat before her.

Kiara saw the look on the boy's face and sighed softly. "Don't feel guilty Char, you did it so we wouldn't get caught." Kie went over to the fifteen year old boy, wrapped her arm around his shoulder and laid her head on his head, feeling like he was a bit warm, but ignoring it.

"Yeah, if you didn't do it I would've." JJ started. "But I'm still happy I didn't have to do it, you know, it would've made me feel the guilt." For tat sentence he got a slap on the arm from Kie.

"Shut up, JJ, you're only making it worse."

"Alright. Let's talk about what happened. I mean it's obvious, right?" John B started keeping his eyes on the road. "A family heirloom. What better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?"

Kie looked at him and nodded her head. "Yeah. It's possible."

"It could also be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help,-you know, deal with your sad feels." Pope butted in with his 'logical explanations'.

"Pope?" Kie looked at him with wide eyes and scrunched her nose.

"Bro, you know how I process my sad feels." JJ looked at both John B and Charlie, getting only Charlie's attention. "Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, that's how I do it." He ruffled Charlie's hair and smiled at him.

"I'm not concocting, okay? My dad's trying to give me a message."

"If it helps you believe, John B." Kie said slowly.

"Yeah, of course. If that's what helps you, it's okay." Char spoke for the first time since forever.

"Look, I-I don't need a therapy session, okay?" The dirty blonde-boy looked around. "Look, I'm not trippin' out."

"It's okay to trip, bro, but—"

"Look, my—my dad is missing, okay?"

Charlie sat upright and went over to John B and patted his shoulder. "Yeah and we will find him."

John B smiled at him gratefully and turned back to the road, everyone in the van went silent for a minute.

"Missing." John B clarified. "You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish, and then have no idea what happened."

Charlie scrunched his noise up and huffed a laugh. "Oh, I know how it feels like John B." The brown-haired boy leaned his head against the van's door and chuckled. "You always seem to forget that my mom also vanished, poof, like dust she just flew away and never came back to say goodbye."

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