Breaking Rules, Breaking Necks

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Breaking Rules, Breaking Necks

Still Alpha’s POV

Inside the gun store all was quiet. The strong smell of silver filled the air. “What ‘er you do’in in here!” A man shouted. Looking over several of his teeth were missing and the ones that still remained in his mouth were as black as can be.

“I’ve got business.” I said, standing tall and filling the room. One thing about being an alpha was you have a dominating presence over everything.

“No one comes in ‘ere without an appointment!” A spray of spit hit my chest.

“And an appointment I have.” I said getting really irritated at the old man. He paled and left the room. I folded my arms across my chest and huffed.

Beta stepped a little closer, mimicking my position. “I don’t get why we’re here.” He said looking around. Posters and pictures hung on the walls of the store, all of them containing a hunter holding the head of a dead wolf. The store was disgusting, I’ll give you that, but the man I wanted to see was even worse.

If slime it’s self had become a person it would be this man. But he had his uses, to the highest bidder he could relay any information about any Hunter or wolf, any time. And you could say I’ve got the most to offer him… His life. “The slime-ball will give us some answers.” I said, though I hated it here as much as he did.

The old man returned with a greasy teenaged boy behind him. And when I say greasy I mean McDonalds French fries look healthy. His black hair was slicked back and shiny, there were oil stains on gray pants and his t-shirt had a stripper hanging off a pole with the words, You Want Me, written under it. His face was so full of pimples you would think that his face WAS a pimple. “Frank! My man!” He called when he saw us.

“Francis.” I hissed. He shuddered and didn’t come much closer. “I need some information, you think you can help?” I said with a menacing grin. He shuddered and stepped back, as soon as he was out of my demanding presence he stopped shaking.

“You know I can get what ever information you want… for a price.” He rubbed his fingers together. “You’re daughter’s 16 now isn’t she?” something in my head snapped. I was across the room and had my hand wrapped tightly around his neck.

“You. Even. Think. About. Her. And. I. Will. Rip. Your. Ba…”

“Alpha.” Beta stepped up beside me and put a hand on my arm.

“What?” I snapped looking at him.

He pointed to the slime-ball. His face was purple and his eyes were closed. “Threats don’t work if the one you’re threatening is dead.” He said. Sighing I dropped him.

He gagged and chocked for air. The color slowly drained from his face as he gripped his neck, there was a big red mark wrapped around his scrawny neck. “I could call the police for that! He wheezed out.

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