4 | The Return

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I was able to retrieve my bag from the vehicle bay, the truck itself towards the entrance doors. After that, I immediately went back to my room and finished putting stuff away with urgency. Why? Because Ana said there would be an intercom announcement to meet in the lounge, but not when. So of course, me being the paranoid self I am, started doing things with the sudden need to rush.

Knock. Knock.

I perk my head out of my closet, dusting myself off and fixing my shirt before I walk out and up to the door. A small exertion noise is heard from the walls, the sliding door swishing open and revealing a face I'm all too familiar with.

"Hello there, (Y/n). It's been a while since we've spoken.. I suppose you got my letter?"

"I suppose so, Winston." I smile, staring at the gorilla in front of me.

He holds out his arms, making me slam my body against him in a tight hug. I nuzzle into the side of Winston's neck before I straighten up and roll back my shoulders.

"I missed those.." I mutter, looking at the gorilla softly.

"Well considering the fact that it's been years, I'm not really surprised." Winston says, patting my shoulder before walking down the hall.

"Come on, the meeting announcement will go off soon, so let's start our way there."

I rush up behind him, meeting his side as I match with the speed he's going. We chat about all that was going on over the years, Winston explaining his new-found addiction to making peanut butter after he had to stop ordering it to his door.

"Why did you have to stop ordering?" I questioned, turning the corner with him.

Winston fixed his glasses and did an awkward laugh, "They started suspecting I wasn't a human after an unfortunate call."

"Oh yeah? What happened?"

"Don't worry about it."

Suddenly, the intercom came alive with a bit of static before it started speaking.

"All agents report to the lounge. I repeat, all agents report to the lounge."

"Is that Athena?" I ask, looking towards Winston as he flashes a proud grin.

"Indeed it is.. I kept her safe in the systems over the years as I monitored what happened all over the world."

"I'm assuming you were the one that recalled?"

"After Talon invaded my living quarters, I knew that Overwatch had to come back. Not only because of Talon, but the sudden uprising of omnic involved destruction."

".. What did Talon want?"

"Access to the old Overwatch files, along with Athena."

"Pardon my language, but those fuckers can mind their damn business."

Winston let out a laugh, "I couldn't agree with you more!"

We walk up to a large door, a hushed metal clicking noise sounding off before opening up and folding on itself. As we walk in from one of the three large entrances around the room, I acknowledge the size of the area. It was huge enough to include a massive amount of people in at one time, excluding the furniture and counters around the room that held decor and machinery. The walls were lined with orange and blue, white being the main color choice which matched the floors and counters. The furniture was blue and orange that also matched the setting around us.

Defender // Genji x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon